The chairman of SIF Banat-Crişana urges reason and pragmatism in the economic policy

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 octombrie 2012

At the end of last week, the president of SIF Banat-Crişana, Ioan Cuzman, attended the debate "Strategic approach in the management of business", hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business Management of the of the Western University of Timişoara.

Ph.d University Professor Ioan Cuzman made a presentation called "When economic policies defeat the real economy", in which he has presented some of the causes which have caused the current state of the Romanian economy.

Aside from the causes, the president of SIF Banat-Crişana also suggested solutions which, in his opinion would help relaunch the nation's economy. Among them, the return to the economy based on reality.

"Market fundamentalism is just as dangerous as uncritically adopted Marxism. We need reason and pragmatism in the economic policy, not fundamentalism. And last but not least, I would like to quote professor Adrian Curaj who says it is time to talk about vision, strategies, consistency and predictability", said Ioan Cuzman.

Read an extensive article, on the reasons of the fall of the Romanian economy, as well as the solutions which are required, in one of the future issues of "BURSA".

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