The Council of Competition is reviewing the automotive spare parts market

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 mai 2009


The Council of Competition is currently running an investigation of the automotive spare parts market, with a view to study the operation and mechanisms of this sector and to identify and correct any competition related issues. According to the competition regulatory body, the investigation in this sector will also review whether the competition on the market is healthy enough to benefit consumers. In the course of this investigation, the Council of Competition can ask any market player (companies, producers, importers, distributors, professional associations, related state institutions) to supply information, documents or to issue statements.

According to competition laws, the term "spare parts" refers to "goods which are intended to installed in or on a vehicle to replace its components, including goods such as lubricants needed for the use of a vehicle, except for gas".

Apart from being complex reviews of the sectors concerned, market investigations also serve as essential tools for any competition regulatory authority, the goal of such studies is to identify the adequate measures for solving competition issues in the sector concerned.

Being an autonomous administrative authority, the Council of Competition not only has a corrective role, but also a preventive role, by monitoring the markets, and watching the behavior of the market players and their methods, with the final goal being to protect consumers" interests.

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