The Euro - "a moving target" for Romania

COSMINA CAPALĂU (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 24 februarie 2010

The situation in the PIIGS area will affect other countries in the European Union, and Romania as well, meaning that our adoption of the European currency has become a "moving target", sai Mr. Florin Pogonaru, the chairman of the Association of Romanian Business People (AOAR).

"The situation of the PIIGS countries will have two consequences. The first is the fact that the current difficulties of those countries make the adoption of the Euro a "moving target". Most likely the Union will introduce further regulation, which will change the way things get done - it isn"t acceptable to allow certain countries to run up budget deficits, while others are prevented from doing so. The EU can not impose strict requirements upon other countries, while exempting others", Mr. Pogonaru said. According to him, "the second aspect is that the current problems of Greece, Italy and the other countries in the PIIGS group will only make the EU increasingly wary of allowing other countries to join the Eurozone".

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