Football can offer moments of sincere joy even in the 21st century. They are hard to spot among the piles of money that are suffocating the phenomenon, but the important thing is that they are still being produced. Such a moment just happened in the Romanian Cup, Corvinul Hunedoara reached the final of the competition. For those under 50, who don't spend much time researching the history of sports, Corvinul doesn't say much. For those who have crossed this threshold, things change and it is impossible not to instantly come to mind names like Lucescu, Andone, Rednic, Klein, Gabor, Mateuţ, Petcu, Văetuş.
Hunedoran football was reborn more from the slag than from the ashes in 2021, and this year it managed to return to the spotlight, with a very good season in the 2nd League (sports could have fought for promotion to the first league, but it doesn't have this right) and an excellent one in the Romanian Cup. Real football is being played under the furnaces, again, like in the 80s, when the "Hunedorean norm" was imposed, at least three goals in the visitors' goal.
In a time-worn stadium illuminated by a night from football's prehistory, thousands of people celebrated the victory of the true spirit of football. Ambition, sacrifice, friendship, work are some of the ingredients that contributed to this success, ingredients that are increasingly lacking in our football, convinced from inside and outside that everything can be done and undone exclusively with the help of money. Corvinul is an example, but we must say it, so as not to be suspected of naivety and stupidity, that even this team will not be able to fully succeed without the help of...money. The demonstration has been done, probably more will not be possible on the current bases, but when the water passes over the level of your nose, a breath of fresh air "stolen" when you no longer expect anything is very important, even if the rescue come from the oxygen tube.