THE GAMBLING INDUSTRY Alfred Bulai: The crisis promotes the mirage of quick gains

Octavian Dan (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 februarie 2012

"There are two types of games, those that rely exclusively on chance, and those that suggest you have a skill of some sort. The latter are far more addictive. They grant you a sort of prestige the moment you win, because it is not all dependent on luck. ", Alfred Bulai said.

"There are two types of games, those that rely exclusively on chance, and those that suggest you have a skill of some sort. The latter are far more addictive. They grant you a sort of prestige the moment you win, because it is not all dependent on luck. ", Alfred Bulai said.

The economic crisis has increased the number of people who are willing to bet part of their money on a number or on a card, in the hope of a quick gain. Sociologist Alfred Bulai explains the mechanisms which determine this phenomenon.

Reporter: Mr. Bulai, can it be said that there is a correlation between the economic crisis and gambling?

Alfred Bulai: There is a tendency of people to find a game that quickly satisfies certain needs they have. The crisis creates the mirage of a quick gain, especially when there are no opportunities of obtaining large amounts quickly and legally. Games, from casino to lotteries, target different types of people, each of them have their own target. The games that rely on chance which simply do not involve any particular expertise or very high investments are a lot more sought out at times like this. It depends on everyone's status, people of modest financial means turn to alternatives that involve lower costs. From a certain level upwards, the stakes are higher and the demands as well. Some lose a lot, others lose a little. I would not necessarily say that casinos are affected because they are aimed at a certain type of player. Let's be serious, this story of the crisis affecting absolutely everyone is a myth. Those who know how to capitalize on the effects of the crisis actually do make big profits. And even among people who earn a lot there are some who feel the need to bet.

Reporter: Does gambling create addiction?

Alfred Bulai: Addiction obviously arises eventually. People give up the things that involve high expenses, but they continue to satisfy some of their specific needs. There are different levels to this addiction to gambling. Even when it comes to the lottery, it's one thing to play every now and then, and another to be at the counter of the lottery every week to try your luck again.

Reporter: There has been a lot of talk about a form of week-end tourism which can be centered on Romanian casinos. It is beneficial?

Alfred Bulai: We need to start from the premise that this brings money to Romania, including to the state budget. I do not know the exact details of the taxation system, but the government is cynical, it taxes vices heavily. Let's not think that alcohol and tobacco are heavily taxed only out of the desire to protect us from the desire to protect us from some temptations, it's a cold hearted calculation. It is not necessarily bad that this kind of tourism exists, I do not think that the phenomenon is that spectacular in Romania. It's also a matter of novelty, a new place on the map, it also matters that Romania is more tolerant in certain areas. Other aspects shouldn't be neglected either, perhaps some gamblers are also interested in prostitution, pedophilia, use of certain substances, this is also an area which can make a person seem more spectacular. It is possible that this phenomenon concerns this kind of temptations. What is certain is that many players prefer this type of short term relaxation, over the weekend, in another place than the one where they live. Perhaps these tourists are important people, who prefer to go someplace else than in their own country. For certain areas, Bucharest could be a relatively safe destination and rather accessible, including in terms of distance.

Reporter: Can a parent who is addicted to gambling decisively influence his child?

Alfred Bulai: Definitely, through socialization the child relates to a certain model, which controls his actions. It does not necessarily happen, but there is a risk of it happening. Just like in the case of smoking, it doesn't mean that a child will become a smoker just because the parent smokes. It needs to be mentioned that any game also involves a potential gain, which is smaller than the initial investment every time - because this is how this industry works, and the model of easy gains directly affects a child. There are also other elements of influence. In early adolescence and especially in adolescence, peer pressure becomes increasingly greater.

Reporter: The young in general are attracted by athletic events, and many end up being hooked by sports bets.

Alfred Bulai: There are two types of games, those that rely exclusively on chance, and those that suggest you have a skill of some sort. The latter are far more addictive. They grant you a sort of prestige the moment you win, because it is not all dependent on luck. Even in the case of games of chance, the lotteries, there are people making all kinds of calculations, but in general they are useless, there is the theory of big numbers. In the case of sporting bets, like on football or horses, the problem of the information you have available becomes real. That is why that type of bet is so addictive for young people, it basically certifies that you are competent in a certain field.

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