The Genesys clinic of Arad expects three million Euros in turnover

Paula Bulzan,Arad ( Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 septembrie 2010

The Genesys hospital also owns a maternity ward where 200 children have been born so far.

The Genesys hospital also owns a maternity ward where 200 children have been born so far.

The managers of the private clinic Genesys of Arad expect to have a turnover of 3 million Euros this year and a number of 20,000 patients, as citizens turn to private clinics for healthcare services. The hospital was inaugurated in February this year and is sought out by patients from Arad, as well as from other cities of Western Romania. "The crisis, with all its aspects, initially caused private healthcare services to become less attractive. But we are currently seeing an accelerated recovery of the demand for these services, amid the deficiencies of the public healthcare system", the general manager of the clinic, Dan Szabo said.

The hospital was launched following an investment of approximately ten million Euros and has so far earned over 200,000 Euros a month. "Patients have come to realize that prevention is cheaper than the cure. The turnover has increased constantly, by approximately 7-8% a month, as the business has begun maturing", the Genesys official added. He said that by the end of the year it the clinic expects to have 20,000 customers.

For the future, the shareholders of the hospital are looking to invest in expanding the accommodation capacities of the clinic and for the acquisition of medical equipment. Our near future investment plans will focus on increasing the accommodation capacities, which will help us improve our operations. Another possible investment objective could be the improvement of infrastructure by purchasing equipment that would allow us to diversify our services", Dan Szabo added.

Genesys has 45 beds, 20 specializations and also offers ambulatory medical services in the polyclinic. The clinic also has three operating rooms, a birthing room, an intensive care department, analysis labs and employs 120 people, including several doctors from Hungary.

The hospital is owned by four individual investors, dr. Ioan Iulius Miclea, (14.75%), Arad businessman Adrian Marcel Jivan (27%), dr. Grigorie Constantin Guşet (38.5%) and Felicia Florica Păiuşan (19.75%).

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