THE HUNEDOARA SCAM Losers Become Winners

Darius Porumboiu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 decembrie 2008

BURSA revealed how Tariceanu managed to become an MP of Ilfov County, although the law says he lost the elections

In Hunedoara, none of the legal winners of the elections for the Senate secured a seat in Parliament

All the senators of Hunedoara County announced by BEC are in fact losers

None of the three candidates for the Senate, whom the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) declared winners, has the legal right to a seat in Parliament. Cosmin Nicula, Dorin Paran and Dan Rusanu were declared senators by the BEC, but the legal winners in Hunedoara County are Gheorghe Barbu, Ben Ardelean and Mihai Leu. The case of Mihai Leu, a candidate for the PSD-PC Alliance, is simply mesmerizing. This alliance is the only competitor that managed to secure a clean win in Hunedoara County, instead of a win made of little bits and pieces spread across the entire country. The other two parties, PNL and PD-L, also received a senator"s seat in Hunedoara County, but in the second phase of the allocation process, that is, countrywide allocation. According to the law, before the allocation at countrywide level, the PSD-PC candidate secured his win at county level. Moreover, Mihai Leu was the most voted PSD-PC candidate in Hunedoara. Also, according to the law, he is elected senator having priority before any countrywide allocation. The scam made by the BEC was to disregard the fact that one seat had already been allocated at county level. Instead, BEC put all the three seats that attributable to PD-L, PNL and PSD into the computerized system for countrywide allocation, which generated entirely different winners.


Different figures, different "nominally elected MPs."



According to the electoral law, the allocation of seats at constituency level should have given one seat in the Senate to the PSD-PC candidate, Mihai Leu, who had the largest number of votes collected by one candidate of this alliance. The allocation of seats at countrywide level should have decided the names of the winning candidates of PD-L and PNL. By setting first the number of seats attributable to each player - both at constituency level and at countrywide level - the allocation of seats for each constituency changes fundamentally. the first allocated seat goes to Dan Radu Rusanu with the largest number of votes, the second to Cosmin Nicula and the third to PD-L.

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