The ideas of the so-called "Western Romania" Program

English Section / 21 februarie

The ideas of the so-called "Western Romania" Program

Versiunea în limba română

The so-called "Western Romania" Program, in fact, seems to have never been formalized in an official programmatic document, similar to a government plan, seems not to be a Country Program recorded in a document, but a political and strategic vision presented 12 years ago, in 2013, by Iulian Fota, which aims to outline the direction of Romania's development as a modern state integrated into Western structures. This program is not an official written document, but a formulation of fundamental ideas and objectives for the future of the country.

Main ideas

1. Orientation towards the West:

Romania must consolidate its position in the European Union and NATO, given that these structures offer guarantees of security, economic stability and the protection of democratic values.

2. National Security:

Partnerships with the United States, NATO, and the European Union are essential for ensuring national security and for full integration into international structures that ensure the stability of the region.

3. Economic modernization:

Romania must adopt an open economic policy and support smart development, having as its main resource the intelligence and competence of its citizens.

Emphasis on education to transform Romanian peasants into active citizens involved in the modern economy.

4. Reducing social disparities:

Transforming the rural area and integrating it into modern society to combat poverty and intellectual backwardness in rural areas.

Combating the division between rich and poor and creating a sustainable economic framework that benefits the entire population.

5. Fundamental values:

"Western Romania" is based on fundamental values such as justice, brotherhood, equality, and education.

The vision emphasizes a state of law and democratic governance, in which all political decisions are made transparently, democratically and in the general interest of the nation.

Program Goal:

The author argues that Western Romania not only follows the European tradition begun in 1848 and 1859, but adapts it to new international realities, with a focus on collaboration with Western countries and adaptation to globalization.

In conclusion, "Western Romania" is intended to be a vision for a modern European state, with solid security facilities, a high-performance educational system and a globally integrated economy, based on democracy and Western values.

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