The domestic labor market is full of surprises. Almost 7,500 small and very small companies, with no more than 50 employees, have put more than 50,000 jobs on the market since the beginning of the year until now, according to a recruitment platform. Compared to the 120,000 jobs posted by all employers, the number represents almost half of the positions open for candidates. Depending on the size, the next most active companies were those with between 51 and 250 employees and only then the very large ones, with over 250 employees. Bogdan Badea, CEO of, explained: "Retail remains, also in this segment of employers, the field with the most available jobs, with 12,000 jobs posted in the last 5 months. 9,000 jobs were posted by employers from services, 6,200 from tourism and 6,000 from construction. More than three quarters of these jobs belong to employers from Romania, 10% to employers from outside the country and approximately 5% are remote jobs". The greatest need for candidates comes from small and medium-sized companies in Bucharest and Ilfov, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Brasov, Timisoara and Constanţa, and the profile they most frequently look for is that of entry-level candidates (who have between 0 and 2 years of experience), followed by mid-level candidates (2-5 years of experience), but also candidates who have no experience at all. Seniors (more than 5 years of experience) and managers represent the categories least targeted by small and very small employers. Bogdan Badea also explained: "As an element of specificity for this segment of companies, we see an increased availability compared to larger companies to hire part-time and seasonal / on a project basis. Thus, from the total number of part-time jobs, more than half are posted by companies that have at most 50 employees. The percentage increases even more in the case of project-based jobs, where 75% of the total belong to small and medium-sized companies. However, we do not see an internship culture -, these remaining rather in the area of large, multinational companies". Small and medium-sized companies are much more open about publishing salaries in job ads. If, on a general level, salaries are mentioned in 36% of the advertisements, in the case of small and very small companies this percentage exceeds 50%. The companies that show the highest level of transparency are those in retail, services, tourism, transport / logistics and call center / BPO. According to official data, at the beginning of May, the number of active micro-enterprises in Romania was 413,466.
The labor market: small companies are ... "big employers"
English Section / 30 mai 2024