The National Commission of Museums and Collections, in solidarity with the trade union protest

English Section / 16 mai 2024

The National Commission of Museums and Collections, in solidarity with the trade union protest

Versiunea în limba română

The protest of the trade unions in culture seriously affects an important event. The National Commission of Museums and Collections declares its solidarity with the demands of the unions in culture and expresses its hope in the rapid adoption by the "factors involved" of some "just and necessary corrective measures". According to the CNMC: "Taking note of the major, incorrect, unjustified salary disproportions that have appeared between museographers, researchers, conservators, restorers and the other profile positions in the Ministry of Education network, over 20-30% higher than those with much greater responsibilities , mobile cultural heritage administered infinitely superior and complexity of the work clearly superior in the museum institutions located in the network of the Ministry of Culture or local authorities, generated by the global and systemically uncorrelated application of the salary regulations in education, the National Commission of Museums and Collections, the scientific body of specialist with an advisory role in the field of mobile cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture, expresses his respect for the decision of a large and representative part of the museums in Romania not to participate this year, as a result of this unnatural situation, in the jubilee edition of the Night of the Museums, under motto "Night in Romanian museums". According to the quoted source, "disregarding the complex training of museum specialists, the discriminatory treatment between different types of cultural institutions, the chronic underfunding of museums do not create the necessary conditions for the museum sector to regain its dignity in proportion to its value, the complexity of its activity and its responsibility, as it does not create the conditions for increasing the museum's cultural heritage through systematic participation in acquisitions on the national and international profile market". The commission finds that a decision in this regard is postponed: "As the organization of the Night of the Museums event takes place outside of program hours and is based on the voluntary participation of staff from museum institutions, the approach of colleagues in the field is all the more legitimate. We know that in this at the moment, great efforts are being made to resolve these situations on the part of all the factors involved, and we all hope for the swift adoption of some fair and necessary corrective measures".

The National History Museum of Romania and the National Art Museum of Romania have announced that they will not organize the Night of the Museums this year.

The trade unions in the field of cultural heritage protection associated within the National Federation of Trade Unions in Culture and Mass Media "CulturMedia" - CNS Cartel Alfa have announced that they will protest on May 18, on International Museum Day, in front of the Government, accusing underfunding in the field.

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