The National Theater Festival deals with "dramaturgies of the possible"

English Section / 19 iulie 2024

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Versiunea în limba română

The 34th edition of the National Theater Festival will take place under the banner of "plays of the possible". For this year, 31 performances from the country and four guest productions from abroad were selected. The curatorial team of the National Theater Festival, made up of Mihaela Michailov, Călin Ciobotari and Ionuţ Sociu, watched over 250 performances from Romania, Republic of Moldova, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Serbia. According to the curators, "the concept of the current edition, which will take place between October 18 and 27, focused on the formula "dramaturgies of the possible": "provided us with one of the major criteria for reporting on the watched performances. We tried to follow the way in which the spectacular construction privileges and valorizes, fertile and coherent, a consistent dramaturgical background, integrating and underlining it within a unitary aesthetic. through our options, the diversity of this essential layer of the show: dramaturgy. We were interested in emphasizing a variety of dramaturgical formulas, reports on current themes, reconfigurations of some canonical texts, explored from atypical perspectives it is at a time when dramaturgical voices are diversifying more and more, the roles of male and female authors in the creative teams deserve to be analyzed and programmatically supported, the visibility frames of local dramaturgy are becoming more and more numerous. The FNT audiences will thus have consistent experiences both within the framework of an innovative paradigm and in observing the familiar relationship with the classical text, or the traditional, but still current questions about the relationship between dramaturgy and contemporary literature (a relationship explored more and more the most profound in the Romanian theater of recent years)".

This year, FNT is a partner of the events initiated by the Bucharest National Dance Center, dedicated to the artist Miriam Răducanu, whose birth marks 100 years on October 17. UNITER and FNT mark 50 years of theatrical creation of the director Silviu Purcărete, 50 years of artistic activity recognized in the country and in the world, by inviting to this year's edition of the National Theater Festival the most recent premieres bearing his signature: A poisonous tragedy, after Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton - production of the "Vasile Alecsandri" National Theater Iasi and "The Bitter Lexicon" by Sebastian-Vlad Popa and Laur Cavachi, after "Youth without old age and life without death" - a production of Odeon Theatre, Bucharest. Related events will also mark the director's prodigious activity: an exhibition and the presentation of volumes dedicated to his creation. The festival will also include the modules: FNT Educaţional, Focus: 12 Independent/Private Spaces from Bucharest and the country, Performances-lectures, Dramaturgies of the Possible in multidisciplinary teams.

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