The quality artistic act can also take place outside the established areas. The Oradea State Philharmonic has announced a new summer season called "Initio", with nine concerts, symphonic and vocal-symphonic, in unconventional spaces, in August and September. According to the institution: "The concert programs include works close to the souls of the listeners, being chosen from film or jazz music, alongside the most famous pieces from classical music. The 2024 edition of the Initio project brings to the stage big names of Romanian light music , such as Marcel Pavel and Luminiţa Anghel, but also the conductor-composer Andrei Tudor, the pianist Ioan-Dragoş Dimitriu, under the baton of Andrej Vesel, the young conductor of the Oradea State Philharmonic". The nine scheduled concerts will take place between August 16 and September 6 and will take place in the Citadel of Oradea and, for the first time, in Piaţa Unirii, but also in various places in the city, such as the Garden of the Baroque Palace, the street and the Liberty Park , Vulturul Negru Passage, the square behind the Theatre. These can have suggestive names: Film music, A masterpiece quartet, Strings in dialogue, Night and Day, Symphonic pop at the cathedral, Bach in the open air, A million dreams, Summer "In Blue" and Fantasy in twilight. The Initio 2024 summer season represents, according to the information, a complete picture of musical genres. The "painters" of this painting are Romanian or Hungarian artists, in a wide repertory palette, with baroque, classical, romantic or classical music of the 20th century, as well as well-known pieces from Broadway, from the jazz repertoire or the world of cinema. According to the organizers: "Regardless of whether it's already established songs or others that are waiting to be discovered, the recitals within Initio 2024 aim to offer the public summer evenings full of pleasant sounds and new musical surprises. Our project is meant to take place in several locations in Oradea, chosen according to the specifics of the concerts and the type of music promoted. Thus, the public is also expected on the banks of the Crişului, in the square behind the Theater, at the Baroque Palace, in the Libertăţii park or in the Vulturul Negru passage". The summer season will begin on Friday, August 16, at 8:00 p.m., and will take place in the Inner Court of the Oradea Citadel. Andrei Tudor will conduct the Philharmonic Orchestra in a program that includes soundtracks from all times, which will take listeners through the fantastic world of the film. The evening dedicated to jazz will also take place in the inner courtyard of the Citadel, on August 23, at 8:00 p.m. The concert is called Night and Day and will be supported by the Steve Jazz Trio, a band made up of: Istvan Bundzik on piano, Gyula Horvath on bass guitar and Gabor Kacsenyak on percussion. The three soloists will be joined by members of the Oradea State Philharmonic Choir under the baton of conductor Zoltan Kocsis-Holper, in a program made up not only of actual jazz pieces, but also of tango sounds, adaptations of classical music and from the famous American Broadway musical. The summer program will continue on Tuesday, August 27, from 8:00 p.m., in Piaţa Unirii, with the pop-symphonic concert, a fusion of past and present, showing at the same time "the connection between the two musical genres, as well as the idea that one cannot exist without the other in the 21st century." The leadership of the Philharmonic Orchestra will belong to the composer and conductor Andrei Tudor, and the protagonists of the concert will be Marcel Pavel and Luminiţa Anghel. Enjoy Music children's choir and other soloists will be on stage with them. The concert on Friday, September 6, will also take place in the Cetate, also at 8:00 p.m. Classical music will dominate the summer stage in a concert directed by Andrej Vesel, with the pianist Ioan-Dragoş Dimitriu as a guest. The Initio summer season started in 2021, being the fourth year in which the Philharmonic has come with summer programs to welcome music lovers from Oradea and tourists visiting Oradea.
The Oradea State Philharmonic will perform in unconventional spaces
English Section / 24 iulie 2024

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