The pandemic has not stopped work on buildings for the education segment

English Section / 11 iunie 2020

The pandemic has caused the education to take place exclusively online, but the construction works for areas dedicated to education have successfully continued "offline". The minister of public works, development and administration, Ion Ştefan, has checked the status of works conducted approximately two years ago for the rehabilitation of the A Wing of the Panduri Complex which belongs to the University of Bucharest.

Minister Ion Ştefan talked to the project head about the progress of the work and has visited the building together with the provost of the University of Bucharest, Marian Preda, and had the following to say: "I have talked to those responsible about the rehabilitation of this complex and I have been assured that the works will be completed as agreed, namely by the end of 2021. Thus I have found that despite the epidemic, the workers have continued to come to the site and thus, the project is on schedule. I will be making other visits in other yards or objectives, in the coming period, because I want to verify on the spot the projects financed by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration and to personally make sure that the works are done on time and properly".

As part of the contract conducted through the CNI, for the rehabilitation of the A Wing of the Panduri Complex of the University of Bucharest, will achieve architecture works, the postponement of new educational areas for the Political Sciences College, works of disassembly and restoration, namely the disassembly of damaged elements and the restoration of the indoor and outdoor finishings, consolidation works for 11 of the bodies that make up the building, installation works, electrical, thermoinstallations. The works began on September 18th, 2018 and the deadline is December 2021. The amount of the investment is 84,881,545 lei.

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