THE RESIGNATION Daniel Dăianu: The resignation of the government could represent a solution to the current situation

. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 februarie 2012

The resignation of the current government could represent a solution to the problems and does not amount to an economic imbalance, former Finance minister and economist Daniel Dăianu said yesterday. He said: "The resignation of a government is part of the democratic process of a country, it is not a catastrophe. For the economy of Romania and for the international markets, which we are dependent on, it is important that the country have a solid government, which can handle the crisis. The resignation of a government could be a solution and it does not lead to an economic imbalance", said Daniel Dăianu, quoted by Agerpres. He went on to say that the next government needs to be solid, and have the support of the Parliament. Daniel Dăianu went on to say: "First and foremost, the next government needs to handle the social issues thoroughly, which is something for which it needs the parliament's support. Second of all, because we are in an electoral year, the next elections need to be as fair as possible. Politicians should take their role seriously, because the next government needs to be legitimate, so that people would trust it". When asked whether he was asked to be appointed as PM in a potential government of technocrats, or if he would accept such a proposal if it were to come, Daniel Dăianu declined to comment.

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