The restructuring of energy production, ready in October

Alina Toma Vereha (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 septembrie 2009

The project for the restructuring of energy production will be completed in October, when it will go to the Government for review. The minister of the Economy, Adriean Videanu, yesterday said, during the Focus on Energy seminar, that the public debate will be completed by the end of this month, meaning that the draft for the creation of the two major energy companies will be ready by the end of the year, and its implementation will only be done next year.

Minister Adriean Videanu said: "I want to assure all private energy operators that the energy produced by the two companies will be sold in a transparent and undiscriminating fashion on the open market. Production and distribution activities will be organized distinctly and will comply with current market regulations ". He stressed that ANRE (the energy market watchdog) will revise the legislation in order to set clear trading norms for vertically integrated companies: "The current private suppliers will incorporate their own production units. That is why we will integrate Electrica in the two companies, and energy acquisitions will be made transparently, on the basis of unified regulations, that private investors will have to comply with as well ".

Adriean Videanu avoided a direct answer on the issue of the direct contracts of Hidroelectrica, saying that it will all be concluded by negotiation.

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