The Romanian Academy of Scientists has a new president

English Section / 28 mai 2024

10 Banciu(photo source: facebook / Doina Banciu)

10 Banciu(photo source: facebook / Doina Banciu)

Versiunea în limba română

The first half of this year was marked by elections, of all kinds. Scientists were no exception. Univ. Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu was elected president of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOAR) for a four-year term. Doina Banciu held the position of vice-president of AOSR and general director of the "Constantin Angelescu" Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Institute of the academy. Univ. prof. also applied for this position. Dr. Eng. Ecaterina Andronescu, president of the Chemical Sciences Section of AOSR. The new presidium of the academy is completed by the vice-presidents and the scientific secretary of AOSR for the new mandate: university professor Dr. Viorel Jinga, rector of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy - vice-president; university professor Dr. Eng. Anton Hadăr - vice-president; university professor Dr. Eng. Petru Andea - scientific secretary. According to the institution: "The elections held in the Hall of the "Carol I" Central University Library thus inaugurate a new mandate and a new period of development of the Romanian Academy of Scientists in the fields of education, science and academic research and continue the firm commitment of the institution in carrying out the Project National "Romania of Knowledge", initiative of AOSR, with the potential to become a real Country Project". At the same time, professor Adrian Badea, who finished his term at the head of the academy this year, was elected the honorary president of the Romanian Academy of Scientists. Full members, corresponding members and honorary members, from the country and abroad, of AOSR were also voted.

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