The seductive Diana Iovanovici Shosoaca, curse us!

English Section / 26 iulie

Versiunea în limba română


I didn't want to write about Diana Iovanovici Şoşoacă, she is a political Babasha and bringing her to the stage of an article in BURSA has the same effect as on the first day of the Cold Play concert, but my friend Octavian ©tireanu dedicated to her, yesterday, an analysis of the type " good cheese, in a dog's bladder", where the emphasis was not on the dog, but on the cheese, and this pushed me to give him the opposite line, to show that he had fallen into a trap.

Ştireanu writes: "With her removal from the hall [n.a. - Şoşoacă], the ideas about sovereignty, faith, patriotism, nation, which Diana Şoşoacă intended to assert in the European Parliament, were also taken out of the debate."

Find the mistake in this sentence!

The mistake is the word "ideas".

Speaking of sovereignty, patriotism and nation, Şoşoacă called for Romania's exit from the European Union, in the plenary session of our Parliament (on September 1, 2022).

But, in the Program of the S.O.S. party, it is written on the back: "In the short and medium term, Romania must achieve the standards for integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic institutional structures".

What's the "idea"?!

Are we fighting to integrate with dignity into the EU or, on the contrary, are we fighting to leave?

And the same with NATO, are we fighting to meet its standards or do we want to go out and make our own army?

I, for one, understand that Sosoacă does not have an "idea" in these two subjects.

Speaking of faith, Sosoacă (who is somewhat anti-American) shouted in the European Parliament "In God we trust", completely ignoring that, in 1956, the United States officially designated this phrase as its national motto; what did he want and what did he say?!

The only case in which we can make fun is that, maybe, Sosoaca is not sick, but uneducated.

But the most terrible rejection of the manifestation of Şoşoacă's "faith" comes from the Petru Vodă Monastery: "The claim of Mrs. Iovanovici Şoşoacă to represent a Christian point of view must be denied - primarily because her behavior is contrary to the rationality and nobility of Christianity, which wins by the power of the spirit, reason and arguments, not by anarchic vexation, and secondly because of the wrong ethical use by his lordship of the holy icons, which, according to the 7th Ecumenical Council of Nicaea 787 AD, must be properly venerated, not handled improperly and in a context that leads to their desacralization".

The communique of Petru Voda Monastery is vituperative in its entirety, so it is worth consulting it here.

So, "idea"?

No, Sosoaca does not express ideas.

My friend Octavian ©tireanu fell into the trap by which he imagined that his own ideas about sovereignty, faith, patriotism and nation - which, of course, in his mind are clear and coherent - would have been Diana Iovanovici Sosoacă's intention to state them in European Parliament.

No, my friend, not at all.

She can not.

What she can do is to chant, together with the SOS leadership, "Labagiii! Labagiii!"


It's an original idea.

Valeriu Nicolae, on the show "State of impostors" counted over a hundred lies of Diana Iovanovici Şoşoacă, among which the most harmless is that she has an experience of 28 years as a lawyer, which, based on the age at which she made the statement, would mean that she was sent to school when she was two years and ten months old.

Some lies have no point, she probably propagates them just to maintain an image in which she believes herself.

It's like a kind of nostalgia for a life he didn't have.

Sosoacă is convinced that she is involved in major events (she says that she would have saved Romania from war two or three times).

Stireanu says: "The substantive issues that [n.a. - Sosoacă] was going to enunciate in plenary were compromised by the form in which he expressed them."

Yes, the observation is correct: the way in which Sosoacă expresses himself compromises what he says.


I mean, the squeaks.

It rattles wildly.

He rattled as his cheeks trembled.

The noises are so unusual that the stunned audience is left with the impression that they have witnessed a strong anti-system demonstration.

Shosoaca is expressed grammatically; if it were also ungrammatical, then the effect would be double, the electorate that prefers it would multiply.

Grammar is about the system.

It is difficult to incorporate ungrammatical.

I believe that our nation has a long experience of being robbed by the system - the Middle Ages, capitalism, socialism and capitalism again provided us with only systems of plunder, in one organization or another.

Spoilage is the invariant we attribute to the system, whatever it is.

The police steal from us, the security guards spy on us and betray us, the customs smuggle, the hospitals kill us for our organs, the schools tame us - the institutions belong to the system.

Romania has a world priority in opposing the system, from this territory left Dadaism and the theater of the absurd, and there are even some who claim that the so-called Revolution of the French students, from 1968, was inspired by a Jew from Romania - Izu Goldstein - theoretician of "letrism".

Theft, complicity/corruption and rule-abstraction seem to be popular ways of rejecting the system - any system.

The cracks in the system anoint our souls.

It's contagious, some have started to scream even if it's about the Pythagorean Theorem.

It doesn't matter what Diana Sosoacă says, the important thing is to fly.

Behind this sliver line centuries of stacking.

Therefore, Sosoacă concentrates the approval of a solid, growing segment of the electorate.

If she is slandering, she is allowed to slander anything, including slandering that the Romanian people are stupid, that is, to insult us, those who listen to her:

"Quiet your stupidity for once!

Wake up, Romanian people, because you no longer have a country or a nation!"


"The Romanian state is made up of some institutions, because we no longer have a people".


"You killed and muddled and spat on all the national heroes, you bitches!"

Your heart grows!

"Millions of people support Diana Iovanovici Şoşoacă; the foreigners, not you who killed Iancu and Viteazul and Vlad Tepeş, all of them, ungrateful people, [...]"

What a pity that we are not foreigners too!

It doesn't matter that Avram Iancu died of tuberculosis. It does not matter that Michael the Brave was betrayed and captured by the forces of Giovanni de Medicis, an Italian general who was in the service of Emperor Rudolph II of the Holy Romanian Empire and was killed while a prisoner of the Hungarians.

It does not matter that Vlad Tepeş died in unknown circumstances, possibly in battle.

It matters that Sosoaca is fighting with us.

And that's why we love her.

Sosoacă is Romania's bride, as Marilyn Monroe was America's fiancee.

