THE SENATE HAS VOTED AGAINST THE PROSECUTION Vosganian handed in his honorable resignation from the Government

ANA ZIDARU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 octombrie 2013

Vosganian handed in his honorable resignation from the Government

The Minister of the Economy, Varujan Vosganian, yesterday handed in his honorable resignation from the Government. Yesterday at lunch, after the request to begin prosecution against him was rejected in the plenum of the senate, minister Vosganian said that he was prepared to hand in his honorable resignation and that he would talk to the prime minister about that. "I am prepared to hand in my honorable resignation if this will be the conclusion of the consultations with my colleagues in the government and with prime-minister Victor Ponta", said Vosganian, from the stand of the senate.

In closing, he thanked his senator colleagues "from the heart" for rejecting the request of the general prosecutor of the High Court of Cassation and Justice to allow for his prosecution. He said that the vote of the Senate has issued a "not-guilty" verdict, given the overwhelming majority.

"I am overwhelmed by a feeling of emotion and I think that after a quarter of a century of political activity, there can be no greater gesture of solidarity and confidence than this one", the minister told his Senate colleagues after the vote.

The official result of the vote in the request to begin prosecution of minister Varujan Vosganian was announced in the plenum, with 126 votes "against" and 25 votes "in favor".

151 votes were rendered, in a secret vote.

The general prosecutor of the Court of the ICCJ has requested on September 2nd, permission from the Senate and the Romanian president to begin the procedures for the prosecution of Varujan Vosganian and respectively, Adriean Videanu, for conspiracy and undermining of the national economy.

The requests have been sent to the Senate and to the President by the general prosecutor of the High Court of Cassation and Justice following the request received from the head of the DIICOT.

The case in which the DIICOT (Department to Counter International Organized Crime and Terrorism) has asked for a license for the beginning of the prosecution of Videanu and Vosganian is an offshoot of the one from, in December 2011, the prosecutors have begun their prosecution in the case of 40 people which held management positions at Romgaz, in the Ministry of the Economy and the ANRE (National Energy Regulatory Agency), for conspiracy and the undermining of the national economy.

At the end of September, part of the wealth of Adriean Videanu was seized, according to a press release of the DIICOT (Department to Counter International Organized Crime and Terrorism).

The DIICOT mentioned in its ordinances of September 24th and 26th, 2013, that it has decided to seize up to 277,000,000 lei of the fortune of Adriean Videanu, in the form of the following immovable assets: a building in the town of Snagov, county of Ilfov, 3 apartments in Bucharest, an apartment in Mamaia, county of Constanţa.

"Also decided in this case was the garnishment of all the amounts held in two of the defendant's bank accounts, as well as of the amounts he was owed in the form of dividends by two companies. Also decided was the seizure of 66,906 shares owned by Videanu Adriean in three companies", the press release of the DIICOT also states.

The cohabitation pact, criticized item by item by Traian Băsescu

The insolvency code, the privatization of CFR Marfă, the subordination of Justice to the political interest groups, the cohabitation act with prime minister Victor Ponta, the manner in which the Government has acted in the area of foreign policy, the violation of the rule of the law are just some of the items which Romanian president, Traian Băsescu denounced yesterday, accusing the Ponta government of repeatedly violating them.

According to the statements of the president, the institutional collaboration agreement has been consistently violated by Victor Ponta, and "unlike Adrian Năstase, who used to bribe the media, the prime-minister is just as resolute about placing it under control, except he does so in a far more cynical and brutal manner".

Another item which Traian Băsescu discussed yesterday, is the privatization of CFR Marfă, which, according to his statements, did not comply with the legal requirements set for the call for tenders, and will eventually be the object of an investigation from the National Anti-Corruption Department (DNA). "Boys, if they start investigating you (the DNA - ed. note), they will do so for what you've done in the privatization of CFR Marfă", said Traian Băsescu.

He continued: "It is a privatization in which the terms for the call for tenders were changed after one specific company was left in the race, in which the deadlines were not honored or were greatly extended, and there is a winner of the call for tenders for which heavy efforts are being made to stretch the delays".

Also, referring to the case of prosecutor Lucian Papici, who worked on the "Fraud in the Referendum", the President of the country said that in that case, a violation of the law and of the cohabitation agreement has occurred, and said that "what the Prime Minister Victor Ponta has ordered, the minister of Justice passed on and the General Prosecutor carried out". He also wanted to mention that according to the Constitution, the head of state has to ensure the good functioning of the institutions, and its dialogue with the general prosecutor is part of that goal. "Sometimes I call him, other times he calls me, on matters which concern his job duties", the president said.

As to what concerns keeping deputy prime-minister Liviu Dragnea in the Government, in spite of the criminal investigation in which he is involved concerning the fraud in the referendum of 2012, Traian Băsescu said that it was a "mistake" that will have repercussions, and will negatively influence the MCV report. He also said that " the USL probably isn't feeling any responsibility for a good MCV report".

"It is obvious that what is more important for them is to defend their people, rather than allow the country to get a favorable report, it is clear that the political factor is a hurdle in the evolution of Romania and on its path to Schengen and to the respectability which our justice deserves, but, due to what is happening in the Senate, and in the Government, we will actually get negative evaluations for everything that we are doing here and it's a shame", president Traian Băsescu added.

Another item on the agenda of the president was the activity of the Romanian Television, which even though it is in financial difficulties, is engaging in expensive investment programs: "TVR is in an extremely difficult financial situation, I understand that it has engaged in programs and investments in extremely expensive machines, and I am afraid that it could very soon become insolvent".

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