THE SLOGAN OF NICUŞOR DAN We hav no egz to-dai

MAKE (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 mai 2016

We hav no egz to-dai

Nicuşor Dan couldn't have picked a more unfortunate electoral slogan.

We have had no comments to make about Nicuşor Dan, whether negative or positive, in an article which was lambasting the candidates to the mayoralty of Bucharest - Predoiu, for being a liar, Firea for working with Dragnea and Voiculescu, and Turcescu for reasons that everybody knows about (see "Bîlciul mincinoşilor"/BURSA/26.04.2016) -, and some readers have asked me "OK, but not a peep about Nicuşor Dan?!"

Eh, since I am not good with politics, I didn't know Nicuşor Dan was an important candidate and I ignored him, but here we go, by popular demand, I have decided to do some serious work on getting informed about him and I read his slogan, on the tent he had erected in the Victoria Square:

"Instead of them stealing, better that you get involved".



In Solca, in northern Bucovina, there was a paper stuck on the window of the grocery store with a confusing message: "Az nuz oo". One of the locals told me that what the gramatically-challenged author was trying to say was that the store was out of eggs that day.

Well, Nicuşor Dan is a kind of magician, because his slogan has moved Solca to Victoriei Square.

Yes, what he meant to say was that if we get involved, then that will put an end to the illegal use of public money .

But what came out of it is that we can do a better job of stealing that money ourselves.

Below, another blunder was displayed:

"Save Bucharest from the politicians".

There are several ways to review that sentence.

Since is doesn't end with an exclamation point (it doesn't end at all in fact), this makes it look like the sentence is not an urge, but a statement of fact. In fact, that leaves the problem that the sentence doesn't have a subject; this kind of sentence finds that "somebody does something", and is particular case, we find out what they do, but not what they don't do.

But that sentence is not only hurting structurally, but in terms of its sense as well.

OK, let's say that the politicians are an evil that needs to be rooted out (something that we the citizens have not yet determined in general).

OK, somebody - probably Nicuşor Dan, as mayor - is going to save us from politicians in Bucharest, and it becomes a sort of oasis, with not a hint of politician in it.

Everything is OK.

And when the government currently made up of technocrats is replaced by one made up of politicians, what do you do, move the government's building to Solca?

And what about the central headquarters of the PSD, PNL and PMP, do you move them to Solca as well?

In the end, do you move Klaus Iohannis to Solca as well?

Well, that would make Solca the capital of Romania.

I can see Nicuşor Dan running for the mayoralty of Solca next year, in the next local elections, with the slogan "Az nuz oo".


These days we have been constantly joking in the editorial office about "Instead of them stealing, better that you get involved", because we have novice journalists ourselves, who are just out of school, and who have the same problem of unclearly expressing their thoughts.

I kept putting off writing this article.

But somebody must have told Nicuşor Dan about the awful idiocy of his electoral message, and so, yesterday, his tent from Victoria Square was removed (although it may have been just the beginning of the general removal, because the electoral campaign begins today), and at other locations, the slogan has been covered by posters with other candidates of his, running for the districts of Bucharest.

I understand that Nicuşor Dan has built an admirable academic career, as a PhD in mathematics, a degree he earned in Paris, from whence he returned, because according to his statement, "he couldn't adapt to the French culture".

It would be easy for me to be sarcastic, saying that is only capable of adapting to the culture of Solca.

But his superficiality, when it comes to this aspect of his electoral campaign is certain.

I don't know anything else.

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