The South-Eastern Region has already spent 70% of the 534 million Euros allocated as part of the Regional Operational Program (2007-2013)

Ana Felea (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 29 mai 2012

The authorities of Constanţa are considering the improvement of the old center of the city, the modernization of the infrastructure in Mamaia, the building of the Tomis riviera, the enhancement of the Mamaia -Năvodari and Năvodari-Lumina highway".

The authorities of Constanţa are considering the improvement of the old center of the city, the modernization of the infrastructure in Mamaia, the building of the Tomis riviera, the enhancement of the Mamaia -Năvodari and Năvodari-Lumina highway".

The six counties of the South-Eastern Region, namely Brăila, Buzău, Constanţa, Galaţi, Tulcea and Vrancea, have successfully spent 376.78 million Euros of the total funds allocated as part of the Regional Operational Program (2007-2013). According to data provided by the Agency for Development of the South-Eastern Region (ADRSE), since the beginning of this program 313 financing contracts have already been signed. The most attractive area for applicants was "DMI4.3 Support for the development of small and medium enterprises", for which 162 projects worth 20.39 million Euros were accepted.

Jenica Crăciun, head of the Department for the implementation of the Regional Operational Program (DIPOR), made the following statement: "Out of the total number of contracts signed by April 15th, 2012, payments of 139.28 million Euros were authorized, which represents a percentage of 26.04% of the total amount of 534 million Euros. Moreover, when it comes to the status of the submission of projects, I can tell you that on Priority Axis 1, subsections < Growth Poles > and < Urban Development Poles > we had enough projects to cover the allocated amount. There are currently only two areas of intervention open, namely < rehabilitation, modernization, and outfitting of the infrastructure of health services > and < The creation, development, modernization of tourism infrastructure for the exploitation of natural resources and the increase in the quality of tourist services >".

Constanţa designated as a "pole for growth"

One of the most active counties in terms of projects submissions is Constanţa which was designated as a growth pole of the South-Eastern region, which led to it being awarded a budget of 90.32 million Euros for the modernization and development of the county.

Sources from the Agency for Development of the South-Eastern Region (ADRSE) said: "42 projects were submitted, worth a total of 100 million Euros, which means that the allocated budget has been exceeded. As a result, several projects have been placed on the backup list. Through the submitted projects, the authorities of Constanţa are considering the improvement of the old center of the city, the modernization of the infrastructure in Mamaia, the building of the Tomis riviera, the enhancement of the Mamaia -Năvodari and Năvodari-Lumina highway". Also, as part of the other Axes, the county of Constanţa has submitted 72 more projects, of which 23, worth in total over 22 million Euros, have been signed for accessing the funds needed for the rehabilitation of the educational pre-university and university infrastructure and the infrastructure for continuous training. Also, over 35 million Euros reached Constanţa as part of the programs for supporting the business environment, money which was accessed as part of the "Major intervention domain 4.1".

Galaţi and Brăila designated as "urban development poles"

The two neighboring counties, Galaţi and Brăila, have shared equally among them the 36.12 million Euros available as part of the "Domain 1.1. Integrated urban development plans". With the 18.66 million Euros which are allocated to it, the town of Galaţi has drafted an urban development strategy which provides the modernization of a boulevard, three streets, the Botanical Garden and a park. Brăila will rehabilitate and modernize several streets and buildings and will also acquire a surveillance system to increase safety and prevent crime. Moreover, by April 15thh, 2012, the two neighboring counties had submitted 38 more projects, each. Just like Constanţa, Brăila and Galaţi had a large number of projects submitted for the rehabilitation of the pre-university and university education infrastructure and of the continuous training infrastructure.

Also, over 18 million Euros, and 23 million Euros, will reach Galaţi and Brăila following the projects submitted for "durable development and supporting businesses of local and regional importance".

Buzău received 17 million Euros to help fuel business growth

Even though the number of projects coming from it wasn't that impressive, the county of Buzău succeeded in completing the first of the total of 17 projects which were submitted as part of the "Major intervention domain 4.1- Durable development and support for the development of businesses of local and regional importance", also creating 22 jobs. Also, 17 million Euros went to the county of Buzău as part of the Priority Axis 1, on the Urban Centers domain. Also in the county of Buzău, 5 microenterprises have acquired through the Regio SE program technological lines for manufacturing thermopane carpentry, equipments for topometry as well as those needed for car maintenance.

40 million Euros for the educational infrastructure of Vrancea

Vrancea submitted 19 projects with a total value of about 40 million Euros to rehabilitate and develop the educational infrastructure, with the money being accessed as part of the "Intervention domain 3.4.". In total, Vrancea submitted 52 projects as part of the Regional Operational Program for 2007-2013.

Tulcea, the lowest number of projects submitted

The lowest number of projects which were submitted by April 15th, 2012 came from the county of Tulcea. Moreover, there seemed to be a lack of interest for the funds available for the development of business structures, unlike the other five counties of the South Eastern region. On the other hand, Tulcea was a lot more active when it comes to the number of projects submitted in the "Major Intervention Domain 4.3. - the support for the development of microenterprises". Through this program, 3 microenterprises obtained funding for the modernization and acquisition of equipment for a beauty parlor, production of PVC carpentry and construction. In total, Tulcea submitted 24 projects, for which most of the funding (about 11 million Euros) came from the Urban Centers Axis 1.

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