The Spanish group ROCA is building a factory in Brasov

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 26 noiembrie 2008

The Spanish group ROCA intends to build a factory of household appliances, which will employ 1000 over 45 years old and unskilled people. The Spanish have been negotiating with the owners of the Prejmer Industrial Park, the Spanish company Graells& Llonch, the takeover of a field of 155.874 square meters. The construction will cover 100.000 square meters, with the remainder of the surface to be used for other purposes. The Spanish group currently has over 20.000 employees in 54 factories in 19 countries.

ROCA is the biggest world producer of sanitation equipment, with the company being present in over 115 countries.

The Spanish company entered Romania in December 2006, when they bought the sanitation equipment division of Cesarom from Lasserberger, a company with an Austrian majority shareholder, for 8 million Euros. At the time, this part of a deal worth 29 million Euros, whose primary goal was first and foremost, the acquisition of the Croatian producer Inker from the Austrians. In 2007, the worldwide sales of the Spanish group amounted to two billion Euros.

350 million Euros investment at Prejmer

The Prejmer Industrial Park at Prejmer is the greatest in the Country, spanning an area of 87 hectares. The project was initiated two years ago and will be completed in 2009 by the Spanish company Graells&Llonch. Within this park, Graells&Llonch will build, among other things, three seven-story office buildings, with a total area of 2.800 sqm, a seven story hotel, restaurants and commercial centers with a total surface of 10.500 mp. The total investment in this park amounts to 350 million Euros.

The facilities mentioned include a series of services related to the production area, which include a medical center, telecommunications offices and conference rooms. The park"s administration is currently handled by a company that provides all the needed utilities and repairs.

Of the total investment of Prejmer, 40 million Euros have been spent so far. Right now, 17 plants have been commissioned, wherein 12 manufacturers operate. The companies operate in areas such as metallurgy, auto parts and textile. The Project"s Managers expect most companies which will begin manufacturing activities in the industrial park to be Spanish.

The local authorities of Brasov must invest 27 million Euros in connecting the industrial park to the utilities network. The Spanish investors provided the necessary funding for this project. The initial amount was allocated for the acquisition of the land, with 44 million Euros being spent for this purpose.

The ongoing contracts concern a surface of 253.592 square meters. Most of this plot will be used by the Spanish group ROCA. The local authorities estimate that around 120 companies spanning various economic fields will operate here, employing over 15.000 people, after the investments are completed.

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