The students were angry about the new status

English Section / 27 iunie 2024

The students were angry about the new status

Versiunea în limba română

Vacation does not stop students from protesting. Their complaints are more and more frequent, and the dialogue with the Ministry of Education is not exactly constructive. Several students protested in front of the Ministry of Education, being dissatisfied with the ministry's proposal regarding the Student Status, on the grounds that it violates their right to education, as it sends students with inappropriate behavior to separate rooms. The President of the Union of Representative Students, Lorena Drăguşin, stated: "The Ministry of Education has put two problematic projects into public consultation, one for the Student Status and one for the Regulation on the organization and operation of pre-university education units. Basically, this student status project sends students in separate rooms, in detention, in case they behaved inappropriately during the class and that remains at the teacher's decision, so their right to education is violated, because this detention takes place during class hours (.. .). They are marginalized and the real problem is not solved. These students should be taken to psychological counseling."

She also drew attention to the fact that there are not enough teachers to implement the measure proposed by the Ministry of Education and that there are educational units, especially in rural areas, that do not have classrooms even for classes. In another matter, Lorena Drăguşin indicated that another reason for the protest is the fact that, according to the project regarding the Regulation on the organization and operation of educational institutions, parents are obliged to give their consent regarding the processing of children's personal data . The President of the Union of Representative Students said that the Ministry of Education violated the law, because they were not consulted in the drafting of these draft normative acts. Lorena Drăguşin informed that the protesters also requested the withdrawal of the two proposed normative acts and the adoption of the Student State developed by the Union of Representative Students, Save the Children and student associations, which implements their right to rest and free time, a methodology for giving feedback and protection for students who file complaints against persons who have violated their rights.
