THE SURPRISING BUCHAREST STOCK EXCHANGE The price of the BSE stock is rising as the overall market is dropping!

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 septembrie 2010

* The Board of the Stock Exchange is selling its stock in the BSEBrokerage firms that have representatives on the Board of the Stock Exchange are selling off some of their stock in the BSE. With the exception of "Estinvest" (who has Lucian Isac on the Board of the BSE) who is buying, and "Prime Transaction" (Ionel Uleia) who is also buying, all the other brokerage firms which are represented on the Board of the Stock Exchange have been selling BSE stock since mid September. The largest seller was Daniel Ţepeş of "HTI Valori Mobiliare" who sold 164,250 shares of the BSE stock he owned ("HTI Valori Mobiliare" has two people on the Board of the Exchange - Daniel Ţepeş and Cosmin Gheorghiu). He is then followed by "Tradeville" (Siminel Andrei) who sold 46,094 shares, then "IFB Invest" (Octavian Molnar) who sold 22,069 shares; SSIF "Broker" (Ciprian Zah) - 10,500; "Romcapital" (Mircea Botta), 5,400. Overall, between September 14th and September 30th, the members of the Board of the Bucharest Stock Exchange sold 248,313 shares in the BSE and only bought 7,700 shares through "Estinvest" (unless we take into account Ţepeş Ion- a relative of Ţepeş Daniel? - who bought about 4,000). Is there something you boys forgot to mention?(F.G.)

* The Board of the Stock Exchange is selling its stock in the BSEBrokerage firms that have representatives on the Board of the Stock Exchange are selling off some of their stock in the BSE. With the exception of "Estinvest" (who has Lucian Isac on the Board of the BSE) who is buying, and "Prime Transaction" (Ionel Uleia) who is also buying, all the other brokerage firms which are represented on the Board of the Stock Exchange have been selling BSE stock since mid September. The largest seller was Daniel Ţepeş of "HTI Valori Mobiliare" who sold 164,250 shares of the BSE stock he owned ("HTI Valori Mobiliare" has two people on the Board of the Exchange - Daniel Ţepeş and Cosmin Gheorghiu). He is then followed by "Tradeville" (Siminel Andrei) who sold 46,094 shares, then "IFB Invest" (Octavian Molnar) who sold 22,069 shares; SSIF "Broker" (Ciprian Zah) - 10,500; "Romcapital" (Mircea Botta), 5,400. Overall, between September 14th and September 30th, the members of the Board of the Bucharest Stock Exchange sold 248,313 shares in the BSE and only bought 7,700 shares through "Estinvest" (unless we take into account Ţepeş Ion- a relative of Ţepeş Daniel? - who bought about 4,000). Is there something you boys forgot to mention?(F.G.)

The weirdest quarter in the history of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

If we didn"t trust brokers, we could either believe that the BSE is being manipulated, or that the market for the stock of the BSE is being manipulated; but we trust our brokers, so we will just note that the evolution of the market over the last quarter doesn"t make any sense.

Since June 8th, when the BSE self-listed its stock, its price has constantly risen over the last three months and a half: from 25.9 lei to 38.5 lei.

The price of the BSE stock rose 49%!

Oh joy!

Let"s pop open the champagne!

A company whose stock is rising must be successful.

Maybe its key economic ratios have improved.

But wait!

What"s this!

The fundamentals of the BSE have gotten constantly worse over the same period: the turnover dropped by one third; the number of trades also dropped by one third; the trend in the volume of trades is the only that is displaying a very slight tendency to increase, but this is only due to the unprecedented peak brought about by the events concerning two companies (see explanations in the chart).

If we take the last week out of the equation, the volume has also seen a downward trend over the last three months.

Let"s summarize.

The BSE is doing worse on all levels.

Its stock, however, is rising sharply.

Way to go!

Keep it up!

The sky"s the limit!

It doesn"t matter that it doesn"t make any sense.

You"ve earned our trust!

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