The Valev Plan - Summary

English Section / 19 noiembrie 2024

The Valev Plan - Summary

Versiunea în limba română

1. Historical context:

- Presented in 1964 by the Soviet economist Emil Borisovich Valev.

- Appears in the context of the USSR's policy of economic integration of the socialist states in Eastern Europe, in order to maximize economic efficiency and centralized control.

2. Objective:

- Creation of a regional economic complex coordinated by the Soviet Union.

- Promotion of the economic specialization of the socialist countries, each state having a specific role within the socialist bloc.

3. Role assigned to Romania:

- Romania was to be transformed into a major agricultural supplier, focusing on the production of food and agricultural raw materials.

- Romania's industrialization would have been limited, focused on light and basic industries, without investments in heavy industries or advanced technologies.

4. Main characteristics:

- Reduction of the diversification of the economies of the participating states.

- Increased mutual dependence between the socialist states, but with centralized control exercised by Moscow.

- Emphasis on agriculture and traditional industries, to the detriment of advanced industrial development.

5. Potential impact on Romania:

- Economic subordination to the socialist bloc.

- Limitation of industrial progress and reduction of chances for independent economic development.

- Increased dependence on imports for industrial products and technologies from other socialist states.

6. Romania's reaction:

- The communist leadership, under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, firmly rejected the plan, considering it a threat to economic sovereignty.

- The rejection of the Valev Plan marked the beginning of a more independent policy towards the USSR.

7. Political significance:

- The Valev Plan is seen as an attempt by the USSR to consolidate economic and political control over Eastern Europe.

- Its rejection by Romania was a key moment in the country's distancing itself from Soviet influence.

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