The Village Museum: Celebration with book launches, shows and exhibitions

English Section / 10 mai

Photo source: facebook/muzeulsatului

Photo source: facebook/muzeulsatului

Versiunea în limba română

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village is celebrating 88 years of existence, an anniversary that will be marked by a series of events held between May 10 and 17. The opening ceremony will take place today, at the Dumitra Stage, at 11:00 a.m., and will be followed from 1:30 p.m., at Sala Gheorghe Focşa, by the opening of the exhibition "The popular port of celebration", where over 150 of port pieces from the museum's collections, inform the organizers. From 4:00 p.m., at the Sala de Sticlă, those interested can learn more about the culture, traditions and customs of Peru in the exhibition "The traveling bull of Pucara - the ambassador of the Peruvian mountains", made together with the Embassy of Peru in Bucharest. May 11 and 12 will be days full of color, music, youth and beauty, visitors being able to attend music and dance performances, book launches, sit-downs, workshops, made together with the Piery Association from Urziceni, Urziceni City Hall, Urziceni Cultural Center, Hârşova City Hall, Hârşova House of Culture. On May 17, from 2:00 p.m., guests will be the members of the Ţara Vrancei Ensemble from Focşani, coordinator Maria Murgoci. Throughout the period from May 10 to 17, visitors are expected at the fair in the courtyard of the museum, in the alleys of which there will be popular craftsmen from all over the country, with countless traditional products and artisanal creations.
