The vote of no-confidence failed: With Emil Boc, forward, march!

Adina Ardeleanu, Dan Nicolaie (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 octombrie 2010

Emil Boc was overwhelmed with folders containing signatures in favor of his resignation.

Emil Boc was overwhelmed with folders containing signatures in favor of his resignation.

The Boc government remains in place, after the Parliament voted against the motion to suspend the Government. The announcement of the result caused the MPs of the ruling party to applaud and cheer.

The MPs yesterday voted on the vote of no-confidence "Romania"s majority motion". The common session of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate began with a 30 minute delay compared to the initial schedule. The opposition demanded the resignation of the "Băsescu - Udrea - Boc - Anastase government" and stated that Romania is currently led by "an illegitimate faction, led by a character lacking personality, without any doctrine and without the sense of his own ridiculousness - prime-minister Emil Boc".

According to the motion, "the current Government no longer follows the Governing Program which was approved by the Parliament at the time of its swearing in, in December 2009". The debate in the Parliament was insterspersed by verbal attacks, booing and even shoving.

Boc: The vote of no-confidence - a recipe for guaranteed disaster

"PNL and PSD have returned to the scene of the crime with a motion which is short on solutions, and focused on selling illusions", PM Emil Boc said before the Parliament, and he added that the opposition is proposing solutions that make "no financial sense". He asked for the motion to be rejected.

In his opinions, the solutions proposed by the opposition "are haphazard and would cause the public deficit to exceed 10% of the GDP, thus aggravating the effects of the crisis".

Antonescu attacks Boc

Emil Boc is the country"s top "welfare receiver", as well as its top "leech" according to Crin Antonescu, the president of PNL. "Not everybody in the public sector actually does something useful, and I would say you are at the top of the list, being the country"s top welfare receiver and top leech", Andronescu said to Boc. He urged the MPs to pass the motion of no-confidence. Crin Antonescu also said that PM Emil Boc leads a government which was set up based on feudal criteria, following the typical old boys" club system which governs Romanian politics. According to the president of the PNL, the reform of the state begins with a government which puts the interest of the nation and of its citizens first, which the current government does not.

Ponta: There are 100,000 people in the square

In his speech, PSD leader Victor Ponta, announced that 100,000 people had gathered in the Constitution"s Square, a statement which caused uproar in the room, with some of the members of the governing party turning their backs to him as he was talking.

Victor Ponta tried to convey to PDL MPs what citizens feel about the session: "20 million people are wondering whether they have any chance of living in this country without being forced to become members of the PDL. 100,000 people have gathered in the square. There are millions of Romanians who are looking at what"s happening in the street and what"s going on this room and they can see that this Parliament was led by conmen and thieves. I have another message for you. Remember the meeting of the Executive Commission of the Communist Party before Ceauşescu fell. This day marks the beginning of the end for the Băsescu regime. Regardless of the outcome of today"s vote".

Victor Ponta made this speech after leading the march of the protesters towards the Parliament"s Palace.

Boc received folders with signatures requesting the dismissal of the Government

Several members of the PSD handed PM Emil Boc, who was at the desk, folders with signatures demanding the resignation of the Government, at the end of the debates. Despite the criticism, the PM announced that the government will continue the reform process even if it is unpopular, since there are no other solutions for exiting the recession.

Even the MPs of the PD-L ignored the speech of Emil Boc

The speech of PM Emil Boc was ignored by a large number of MPs, including the members of the PD-L. They preferred to chat outside, while drinking coffee and eating cheese pies at the Parliament"s canteen.

Radu Berceanu and Silviu Prigoană seemed to lead the large group of PDL MPs, returning to the Parliaments" assembly several minutes after the PM had ended his speech.

The young MPs, calling themselves the "Spiritual Militia", showed a lot more involvement. Well equipped and organized, they displayed several banners on of the balconies of the assembly room. "The Boc Government -The Mob"s Bank", "You are forcing teachers to become beggars", "Hundreds of victims died so you can sit in this building", "Upstarts with minister positions/Bear the blame for the death of the education system", "The President Player - dancing on the graves of the people", "Romania"s terrorists: Roberta, Cotoi and the other sheep", "When Miss Roberta counts (ed. note: the votes), the Omerta comes into effect", "A country divided by a villain", were just some of the slogans displayed.


Members of the PSD accused of signing the motion several times

PM Emil Boc accused three deputies of the PSD of signing the motion twice, and accused them of frivolousness. One of those concerned, Valeriu Zgonea, later said he would sign three times, it if helped bring down the current government.

The vote of no-confidence, entitled "Romania"s people"s majority no-confidence motion", only received 219 votes "in favor", of the 236 it needed to succeed, and one vote was cancelled.
