The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

Gheorghe Iorgoveanu
English Section / 11 ianuarie

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

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Princes, governors, politicians, celebrities, lawyers, nominated as visitors to the island where Jeffrey Epstein trafficked minors

The publication of more than 4,000 pages from the investigation into the pedophilia and sexual abuse scandal involving Jeffrey Epstein, who had built a true sexual paradise on an island in the Atlantic, in the Caribbean, is far from shedding light on the facts happened more than 13 years ago and even 20 years ago, especially since the main author committed suicide in 2019 in prison.

Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton, Lindsey Graham, Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Glenn Dubin, David Copperfield, Lex Wexner, Ehud Barack and Sergei Brin are just a few of the personalities who stopped by Jeffrey Epstein's Little Saint James Island property , a property where Epstein forced several teenage girls and young men into prostitution, US media say, after the recent publication of part of the interrogations and testimonies in the case instrumented by the US courts.

However, neither Michael Jackson, nor the magician David Copperfield, nor former US President Bill Clinton are said in the respective documents to have sexually abused one of the minors present at Epstein's property. Johanna Sjoberg, one of the victims of Epstein's sex business, said she met the singer and the magician through Jeffrey Epstein, but did not have sexual relations with either of them.

As for Bill Clinton, the former US president has admitted that he was an associate of Epstein, but has strongly denied that he had any knowledge of the crimes committed by him. One of the people referring to Bill Clinton is Johanna Sjoberg, who alleged that Prince Andrew sexually harassed her while she was sitting on a couch in Epstein's Manhattan apartment in 2001. According to records, Ms. Sjoberg testified that Epstein had once said that Mr. Clinton "likes young people, meaning girls."

In the published documents, Epstein's ex-partner claims that Bill Clinton traveled on Epstein's private jet, which was confirmed by the former US president who said he made humanitarian trips to Africa in the early 2000s when Epstein picture in philanthropist. The former US president noted that on his trips aboard Epstein's plane, he was accompanied by staff and supporters of his charity, the Clinton Foundation, including Secret Service personnel.

Bill Clinton and Al Gore, visiting Epstein's island

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

Also supporting Clinton is a statement from Ghislaine Maxwell's attorney, which states that Bill Clinton "did not, in fact, travel to or be present on the island of Little St. James between 1 January 2001 and 1 January 2003'. He states that if these trips had existed, Secret Service agents would have been required to submit those travel logs to the court. Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of publishing magnate Robert Maxwell, is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for her role as a recruiter for Epstein.

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

The documents also show that, to all the questions put to him about his relationship with Bill Clinton and former US Vice President Al Gore, Jeffrey Epstein refused to answer, constantly invoking the fifth amendment of the US Constitution. That article defines the right of any citizen to refuse to answer a question for the simple reason that said answer could be incriminating for him. Invoking the Fifth Amendment is a colloquial term often used to invoke the self-incrimination clause when witnesses refuse to answer questions where the answers could incriminate them.

Instead, the prosecution's main witness, Virginia Giuffre (formerly Robertson), claimed to have seen Bill Clinton on Little Saint James Island, which she claims the former US president called Little Saint Jeff. However, Ms Giuffre claims she was not offered by Epstein to Bill Clinton, although she even attended a dinner with the former US president. .

"It was just a dinner, lots of laughs, lots of jokes, and then I didn't have to do anything with Bill Clinton; he was never sexually involved with me," claimed Virginia Giuffre in front of the court, who stated that Al Gore was also on the island, but was constantly accompanied by his wife, although Epstein's girlfriend - Ghislaine Maxwell claims that the former American vice president he was not on the island of horrors.

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, at the same dinner as Epstein

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

Apart from the personalities listed above, people involved in the file claim that it would also be about Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, but the boss of Meta stated, through an spokesperson, that the only meeting he had with Epstein was at an event organized by Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, in honor of scientists. Vanity Fair magazine claims that Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, introduced Zuckerberg to Epstein, but Keely Sulprizio, Tesla's global communications director, denied this, and the author of the article did not answer whether his article contained real information or just guesses.

The list of people involved in the sexual abuse of minors on the island owned by Jeffrey Epstein is incomplete, says the press across the Ocean, which is also based on what is written in the documents released to the public by the court that handled the criminal case.

Thus, in one of the documents, the injured person Jane Doe #3, whom the American press claims to be Virginia Giuffre (formerly Virginia Robertson), claims that she was trafficked by Epstein "for sexual purposes with many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders."

Regarding the well-known prime minister, sources close to the file told the American press that it would be Boris Johnson, but the documents published so far have not confirmed this name.

Donald Trump, friend of Epstein

From the statements published so far, it appears that former President Donald Trump was not on the island or at the parties organized by Jeffrey Epstein, although it had been circulated that he too would have taken part in them.

In this sense, the testimony of Virginia Guffre, who said before the court, must be interpreted: "I don't think that Donald Trump participated in anything. I never saw Donald Trump participate in those acts, but he was in Jeffrey Epstein's house. I heard it was, but I didn't see it myself, so I don't know."

The documents also include testimony from Johanna Sjoberg, who says Epstein told her he would contact Donald Trump on the way to one of his New Jersey casinos in 2001.

"Jeffrey said, "Okay, we're going to call Trump,'" she testified, after the pilots said their plane couldn't land in New York and would have to stop in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The testimony contains no accusations against Donald Trump. Asked by investigators if she was abused by Donald Trump, Sjoberg said, "No."

The only person Epstein admitted, according to the published documents, to having been involved in the sexual abuse, without invoking the Fifth Amendment, is the billionaire Glenn Dubin, co-founder of the company Highbridge Capital.

Asked during the trial if he and Ghislaine Maxwell had sent Virginia Giuffre to have sex with Glenn Dubin, Epstein replied, "Yes," stating that at the time Dubin's wife, who was pregnant, was sleeping in the next room.

Heidi Klum, visit to Epstein's "paradise"

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

Among those accused by the victims of Little Saint James of sexual abuse is Bill Richardson, the former governor of the state of New Mexico, whom Virginia Giuffre names as one of the men who raped her several times when she was 17 or 18 years. Marvin Minsky, an MIT AI researcher, also allegedly abused Virginia Giuffre, according to her statement. The victim also claimed before the court that she was also sexually abused by the former CEO of the Victoria's Secret company, the billionaire Les Wexner. According to the published documents, when asked about the abuses committed by the three, Jeffrey Epstein invoked the Fifth Amendment.

Also among the accused is Jean-Luc Brunel, a French modeling agent who committed suicide in a Paris prison in 2022 while being accused of rape.

The involvement of Larry Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and current OpenAI board member, was also circulated in the dossier, but Virginia Giuffre said she did not know him and had never heard of him.

As for lawyer Alan Dershowitz, according to the published documents, he would have been at Epstein's property, being accused by investigators of having participated in the sexual abuse committed by Jeffrey and other people on minors.

One of the people who attended the parties organized by Jeffrey Epstein was the famous model Heidi Klum, but Virginia Giuffre says she does not know if she witnessed the sexual abuse on the island of Little Saint James.

The Duke of York, one of the main beneficiaries of Epstein's services

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

As for the British Prince Andrew, from whom the whole sex scandal started, he allegedly abused both Virginia Giuffre (Robertson) and Johanna Sjoberg, but both Maxwell and Epstein did not admit this. Accused of those abuses, Prince Andrew denied any wrongdoing, although he attended the parties organized by Epstein not only on the famous island, but also at the Florida mansion of the American tycoon. Juan Alessi, who ran Epstein's residence in Palm Beach, testified that the Duke of York stayed in the guest bedroom and received daily "special" treatment with erotic massages. Alessi told investigators that Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, were friends with Epstein and Ghinslaine Maxwell.

The documents were published by order of Judge Loretta Preska, from New York, who, however, decided that some names should be anonymized because they would identify victims of sexual abuse. The documents were made public in a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, a victim of sex trafficking. The lawsuit, filed in 2015, was settled in 2017.

From the published documents, we note that the investigators asked the victims of abuse if they were offered for sexual services to other people, who appear in a black diary that Jeffrey Epstein kept, writing down various things about them, but they denied the existence any abuse committed by those persons. Among the people on Epstein's agenda we find Bob Weinstein - former co-president of Miramax Films and the Weinstein Company, prosecutor Vance Cyrus jr - who refused to indict Harvey Weinstein for sexual crimes, the actor Chris Tucker - who was in Africa with Epstein and Clinton, Donald Trump, Larry Summers - former Secretary of the Treasury, George Stephanopoulos - former White House Communications Director, Keneth Starr - former US Attorney General, actor Kevin Spacey - who was in Africa with Clinton and Epstein, on the latter's personal plane, Peter Soros - nephew of George Soros, Tom Prytzker - CEO of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Senator George Mitchell, Steven Hoffenberg - author of a Ponzi scheme, Gustave Cisneros - Venezuelan billionaire , Tony Blair - former British Prime Minister, Hassanal Bolkiah - Sultan of Brunei, whom Epstein met in 2002 during a visit with Bill Clinton, Steve Bannon - former chief strategist of the White House.

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

The global elite, shaken by the revelations in the Epstein file

The media is waiting for all the documents from the Epstein investigation to be released to find out if there are other personalities involved in the sexual abuse committed more than 20 years ago at Jeffrey Epstein's properties.
