TRAIAN BĂSESCU: "Members of the Parliament should learn from the mistakes of their predecessors"

Cătălin Deacu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 decembrie 2008

"Members of the Parliament should learn from the mistakes of their predecessors"

President Traian Băsescu stated yesterday, during the ceremony organized by the Romanian Constitutional Court to celebrate "Constitution Day" that revising the Romanian Constitution in 2003 was a logical step, but it must not be regarded as an isolated measure which is hard to do again in the future.

"In order to earn and keep the people"s respect, the Constitution must be capable to meet the needs of the present, and also those of the future, must have vision, meaning that it should be able to solve the problems that such a fundamental law will encounter during the natural evolution of a democratic society", Băsescu stated.

In his opinion, as amending the Constitution is a complex process, such an action requires careful consideration, and also a comprehensive debate, which would mean a preliminary negotiation between the political parties, a debate involving representatives of the academic and research environment, the civil society and public opinion leaders, and last not but not least, a debate involving Romania"s citizens.

"On Constitution Day I wish for the newly elected members of the Parliament to abide and uphold the values of the Romanian state, to find the best way of strengthening the rightful order of the state, to have the citizens" best interest at heart, and, why not, to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors", the President stated.

Băsescu said he was happy with the activity of the Constitutional Court"s judges.

"I am convinced that the judges of the Constitutional Court will continue to keep watch over the integrity of the Constitution, like they did so far, and they will ensure the perfect balance between the powers of the state, regardless of the political orientation of the legislative or executive powers, that change every four years", the President concluded.

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