Transavia Alba Iulia - Over 50 Mln EUR Turnover In 2007

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 februarie 2007

Transavia Alba Iulia aims to increase turnover from 42 million EUR in 2006, to 50 million EUR. For the current year, Transavia estimates a profit of approximately 8 million EUR.

As a business objective for 2007, Transavia aims to become the absolute leader on the domestic market. As a cosequence, although the company has an export license since 2005, Transavia is not interested in entering foreign markets at the moment.

Company investments gained 57% compared to 2005, amounting to 11 million EUR, whereas profit remained rather constant, reaching 5,5 million EUR. The year 2006 was significant for the Transavia image and brand, investments in this regard reaching approximately 2 million EUR.

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