Transelectrica Shareholders Approve Formenerg Subsidiary Capital Increase

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 26 iunie 2007

Shareholders in Romanian energy carrier Transelectrica - Bucharest (BSE:TEL) have approved the increase in the capital of Formenerg, a Transelectrica subsidiary, by 108,427.88 RON. This is the value of a plot of land for which the company has obtained a certificate of ownership from the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.

The Transelectrica shareholders have authorized representatives to approve the financial reports for 2006, the budget for 2007 and the gross monthly remuneration of the general managers of the aforementioned subsidiary and of other subsidiaries including Teletrans, Smart, Icemenerg, Opcom and Icemerg - Service.

TEL shares fluctuated slightly last week, closing at 46.9 RON on Friday, down by 0.21% from the previous day. Some 17,280 TEL shares were traded for a total of 807,187 RON on Friday.

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