"Transgex" uses geothermal water for warming greenhouses

A.T. (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 aprilie 2010

After an investment of around 2 million Euros, "Transgex" currently owns greenhouses spanning two hectares in Livada, county of Bihor, in which it uses geothermal water as an energy source. The output and crop yields are outstanding, last year alone were obtained over 700 tons of tomatoes from the two hectares, which means a crop that has a yield three times higher than that of conventional greenhouses.

According to a press release sent to our editors, the company expects its investments in the modernization of its technology to help it achieve its goal of producing a minimum of 800 tons of tomatoes from the two hectares of greenhouses. Prior to the setup of this year"s new tomato crop, a special ventilation system was implemented which ensures a uniform temperature for the entire surface of the greenhouse. Thanks to this system, all the plants have the same microclimate, providing an environment suitable for a balanced development, which has a positive effect on production. Also implemented was the carbon dioxide system, which stimulates the photosynthesis process and helps stimulate the development of plants. These measures have led to an 15-20% increase in the output of tomatoes per hectare. Another step will be the set up of a 30 ton cold storage warehouse, which will involve a 50,000 thousand Euro investment. the cooling of the storage area will be done using the conversion of geothermal water in order to cool the air.

The first 100 tons of this year"s harvest are already on sale in the counties of Bihor, Cluj, Sibiu, and in Hungary. The company intends to expand the surface of its greenhouses, in order to begin selling its products in the European Community.

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