TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL: Romania perceived as EU"s most corrupt state

Alina Vasiescu (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 18 noiembrie 2009

Romania is perceived as the most corrupt state in the European Union, ranking last in the EU member state chart, Transparency International Romania announced.

Victor Alistar, executive manager of Transparency International Romania, yesterday said, on the occasion of the launch of the Perceived Corruption Index: "Romania ranks last in the European Union, being considered the most corrupt European state. Compared to our Bulgarian neighbors, who rose two tenths this year, Romania stagnated in 2009, for the first time since 2002. This was the first year where there was no visible progress in terms of institutional reform for fighting corruption".

According to the Corruption Perception Index, Romania took the 71st spot, and made 3.8 points out of 10, similar to last year"s score. This number quantifies the results of the anticorruption reform as perceived by experts, foreign and domestic country analysts as well as by businesspeople and potential investors.

Transparency International Romania considers that Romania"s stagnation indicates the lack of strategic coordination concerning legislative and institutional measures, which made Romania increasingly vulnerable. According to Transparency International Romania, the judicial system is among the most corrupt institution, followed by the public procurement system and the use of public resources, with the latter having the most significant impact on the business environment.

Observing the deterioration of the entire public integrity system, Transparency International Romania urges Bucharest authorities to end the disputes between the three estates. The organization is requesting the implementation of a set of priority measures, which would allow the relaunch of the public anticorruption policies, as well as the elaboration of a National Anticorruption Strategy; the elaboration of a strategy for the reformation of the judicial system; increasing the transparency in the allocation and utilization of public resources; halting the excessive politicization of the public administration apparatus and of the appointment in public positions based on political affiliations.

In the Perceived Corruption Index, Romania took the 71st spot out of 180, after Barbados (20), Botswana (37), Bhutan (49), South Africa (55), Cuba and Turkey (61), Ghana (69). New Zealand ranked first, with 9.4 points, followed by Denmark, with 9.3, Singapore and Sweden, tied with 9.2 points, Switzerland - with 9.0 points. The bottom positions are held by Myanmar, with 1.4 points, Afghanistan - (1.3), and Somalia (1.1).

The effects of the stagnation of Romania"s institutional reforms for fighting corruption, will make their presence felt in the economic competitiveness, According to Transparency International Romania, who emphasized that under the circumstances, "Romania is a less attractive country in this globalized economy".

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