Turnover, a little over 10 million lei

English Section / 21 noiembrie 2008

The BET index, which presents the evolution of the ten most liquid stocks listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), lost 2,2%, in yesterday"s stock market session, reaching a level of 2.956,12 points. The BET-FI index dropped 3,51%, to 14.236,31 points, while the composite index, BET-C, dropped on Wednesday 2,31%, down to 2.153,54 points.

BET-XT, the index of the 25 most liquid stocks on BSE, dropped 2,28%, to 290,77 points, and the BET-NG index, which reflects the evolution of ten energy sector companies listed on the BSE, recorded 2,96% drop, reaching 365,12 points.

Yesterday"s session turnover dropped by 2,8% compared to Tuesday"s session, reaching 10,35 million lei.

During yesterday"s stock market session, nine transactions with 117 units of the closed-end fund "STK Emergent" (symbol: STK) were made, with a turnover of 4.163,3 lei.

The shares of "Impact Developer & Contractor" (ticker:IMP) were among the most liquid on the market, with transactions which amounted to 1,4 million lei, with a total of 39,21 million shares, but the price dropped 14,84% to 0,035 lei.

The shares of SIF "Moldova" (SIF2) ranked second in the liquidity chart, with transactions worth 1,28 million lei, with 2,11 million shares traded.

Among the most liquid shares on the market were also those issued by SIF "Oltenia" (symbol:SIF5). Yesterday 1,36 million titles were transferred, worth 0,96 million lei, while the price of SIF5 shares dropped 3,47%, to 0,695 lei.

The price of SIF "Muntenia" shares (symbol:SIF4), dropped 2,24% down to 0,655 lei, following deals amounting to 0,9 million lei.

The quote of shares issued by SIF "Banat - Crişana" (symbol:SIF1) depreciated by 3,85%, down to 0,625 lei. An overall total of one million shares were transferred, worth 627.287,5 lei.

During Wednesday"s stock market session, the price of "Casa de Bucovina - Club de Munte" (symbol BCM) logged the highest gain, of 11,11%, up to 0,05 lei.

Also yesterday, the price of "Transilvania Construcţii" Cluj-Napoca (symbol: COTR) shares logged a 15% depreciation, down to 44,2 lei.

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