Two joyous girls: Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu and Ion Cristoiu

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
English Section / 15 octombrie 2011

Two joyous girls: Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu and Ion Cristoiu

Man, this crisis is really something, the Greeks want the bailout, the Slovakians don"t, American cities are filing for bankruptcy, European banks as well, this commissioner is making statements, the EU is making statements, the ECB is making statements, the EU parliament is making statements, everyone has something to say, and meanwhile, Cristoiu finds the time to interview Sorin Ovidiu Vântu, on B1 TV.

I am extremely interested in informing the public on the events of the crisis and on their meaning, but after seeing the two of them "prancing around" (to quote a Romanian poet) like "Two joyous girls/ I really feel like setting everything aside!"

I wouldn"t have commented on the interview at all, if Vîntu hadn"t actually begun teaching us:

"What is a TV station?

A TV station is an advertising vehicle.

Television is a business."

He said all that, acting as if he"s not one for sugarcoating the pill.


I won"t sugarcoat it either.

This idiotic statement is nothing original.

It"s BS.

And not only that but it is just random BS.

If he had actually intended to provide a definition of the press, it would have become clear that he is referring to the prostitution in the media.

That in other words, the media has stooped so low, that it has become a business which only shoves advertising down people"s throats, under the pretense, that the editorial next to the ad provides information to citizens.

The way he puts it, journalists are the lowest of the low, barely above apes on the evolution scale - his convictions don"t matter, they must write whatever helps sell advertising.

If he wants to express his opinions, then they should get a blog.

I would have agreed with him.

Yes, I"ve reached that point.

Except, Vîntu wasn"t claiming that this is a critical, circumstantial situation, rather, that what he was saying was the very definition of the press.

You know what?, I"m too disgusted to try and explain the confusion that Vîntu is muddling in, and I believe you can figure it out.

Since you are holding BURSA in your hand, it is obvious to you.

Come on, we"ve got work to do!
