UBB launches strategy for national development in quantum communications

English Section / 1 noiembrie 2023

UBB launches strategy for national development in quantum communications

Versiunea în limba română

Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, as the coordinator, along with the National Institute for Research and Development in Materials Physics (INCD-FM) as the main partner, has developed and launched the Strategy for the development of national capabilities in the field of quantum communications (QTSTRAT), with the direct beneficiary of the project being the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitalization. Romania's quantum communications strategy includes, among other things, a report on the state of quantum communication technology internationally and nationally, a database of experts and research-development institutions, companies, and organizations in Romania that can contribute to the development of Romania's quantum telecommunications capability, as well as a national roadmap for the development of quantum communication technologies in Romania and a national master plan for the development of quantum communications capabilities.

UBB Rector, Prof. Dr. Daniel David, stated: "UBB was in the best position to develop this national strategy, being able to mobilize all the factors to ensure the success of a strategy. Thus, having the largest computer science faculty in the country and excellent engineering/physics specializations, it managed to mobilize its own specialists and attract other top specialists in the field of quantum from the country, along with the mandatory involvement of its own specialists in strategic planning. Collaboration between these categories of specialists is fundamental to the success of a strategy! Additionally, UBB's international reputation in the fields of strategic sciences, computer science, and physical & engineering sciences - as seen in the latest international rankings - and its openness to relevant collaborations have allowed it to be a catalyst for national-level collaboration among all relevant stakeholders who wanted and had something important to say. As a result, I was pleased to see the involvement of specialists from the main Romanian universities and research institutes, the main authorities and structures related to the field, dynamic companies in the field, and major national and international companies relevant to the field. Romania now has a serious strategy, whose rigorous implementation can bring us significant competitive advantages." This represents a very important first step in this direction.

