UN REPORT: Romania may have hosted secret CIA prisons

N.I. (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 ianuarie 2010

Secret detention is a form of torture, and the US have been perpetrating this kind of acts and sent terrorism suspects to be jailed in countries that do not put much weight on human rights, but also in some of its allied countries, such as Romania, Poland or Thailand, a report of the UN quoted by L"Express says, as reported by NewsIn.

The UN document warns that the United States are among the dozens of states that in the last nine years, have detained and jailed suspected terrorists in secret detention centers, which infringes on their fundamental rights.

The UN report says: "Secret detention came in many forms. The CIA created its own facilities to interrogate < high value detainees >. Furthermore, the CIA asked its partners in states where human rights are disregarded to interrogate suspects in its behalf. Once the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan began, prisoners were sent to secret location and denied the right to a fair trial, to an attorney or to contacting their families".

Former prisoners told investigators that they were submitted to forms of torture which included keeping them naked, exposure to extremely loud noises or sleep deprivation. The CIA transferred many of the suspects captured by the US to other countries for interrogation, such as to Ethiopia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan or Syria.

"It seems some of these suspects were sent to US-allied countries such as Thailand, Poland or Romania", the report says.

Ever since 2005, when the secret prison program of the CIA was first revealed, Romania was mentioned as one of the countries that hosted such facilities, but Bucharest officials constantly denied these accusations.

Then, in 2007, the rapporteur of the European Council on the subject of CIA prisons, Swiss senator Dick Marty, evidenced, in a report, the fact that Romania and Poland hosted this type of centers.

In summer 2009, New York Times wrote, that a renovated building located on a heavily circulated street of Bucharest, served as a secret prison for six of the CIA"s detainees.

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