Unemployment Rate Keeps Hiking

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 iulie 2009

Official unemployment headcount: 548,940

CĂtĂlin Deacu

The unemployment rate reached 6.0% in June, up by 0.2% from May and up by 2.3% from June 2008, according to the National Employment Agency (ANOFM). The Agency further reported that the overall number of unemployed persons registered as such with the county branches of the Agency was 548,940, of whom 240,224 women.

The highest local unemployment rate was registered in the counties of Vaslui (12.1%), Mehedinti (10.6%), Alba (9.9%), Teleorman (9.4%), Dolj (9.3%), Galati (9.1%), Hunedoara (9.0%), Gorj (8.9%), Bacau and Covasna (8.6% each), Ialomita (8.4%) and Caras Severin (8.0%).

The unemployment rate was below the national average in the counties of Ilfov (1.5%), Bucharest (1.8%), Timis (3.4%), Constanta (3.8%), Bihor (4.2%), Satu Mare (4.8%), Cluj and Maramures (5.0% each), Arad and Botosani (5.4% each), Suceava (5.6%) Giurgiu and Vrancea (5.7% each), Mures (5.8%) and Tulcea (5.9%).

Of the overall number of unemployed persons registered as such with the county branches of ANOFM, 290,281 receive unemployment benefits, while 258,649 do not.

