Unique event in our country: the Conference of Psychiatry and Medico-Legal Psychology

English Section / 8 august 2024

Photo source: conf-psihiatrie.calcool

Photo source: conf-psihiatrie.calcool

Versiunea în limba română

The Faculty of Medicine from Sibiu is going to host, between November 20-23, a unique event in Romania, the Psychiatry and Medico-Legal Psychology Conference, to which experts from several fields are invited. The Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry in Sibiu stood out this year by organizing two other scientific events, unique in the country, the National Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (April) and the Summer School of Psychopathology in Păltiniş (July).

The medical director of the "Dr. Gheorghe Preda" Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry in Sibiu, doctor Ciprian Băcilă, said: "By organizing the Psychiatry and Medico-Legal Psychology Conference, we propose that every year we strengthen the relations between these different specializations which, both through a continuous collaboration, as well as through the understanding of the legislative framework, they result in therapeutic success, consisting in the socio-familial rehabilitation of the patient share from their vast experience, as well as from the participants. What defines this conference and makes it unique in the country is that in addition to the specialties in the field of medicine, with us as support and including as lecturers, the support institutions represented by the Police are present , the Gendarmerie, the Court, the Court and the Prosecutor's Office attached to the two courts. We believe that there is a need for better and closer collaboration between these support institutions and psychiatry". The honorary president of the Summer School of Psychopathology from Păltiniş, the academician university professor Dr. Mircea Lăzărescu said for his part: "It is interesting that it is the only psychiatry summer school in Romania. We see that there are more and more young people interested, that many I am coming back for the second and third time, the readings are richer, the ability to apply international tools has increased a lot because here a very important tool for evaluating the pathology in the area of schizophrenia was forged here together with a guest from abroad, who was also this year, professor Luis Madeira from Lisbon (Portugal), so that they are also trained in some important international skills". The renowned specialist Mircea Lăzărescu highlighted the fact that the Păltiniş Summer School of Psychopathology is "a unique model in Europe": "I say that it is important and that it deserves attention and that it deserves to be continued and cultivated. We have an excellent chance to have meetings of this type, maybe they can be a model that proliferates. For us, psychiatrists and psychopathologists, it is excellent that it is held, especially since this model that is held here is rare, it is even unique in Europe. There are no large-scale meetings on psychopathology. I remember that I come from Timişoara, there were two congresses on psychopathology, but they do not hold (summer schools) in this very important field, but limited meetings with 10-20 people. Larger meetings and schools of this scope are in few places in Europe". Interest in such events is growing and they will certainly be replicated in other areas of the country.

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