University infrastructure, investment of over 70,000,000 euros

English Section / 5 noiembrie 2024

According to the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca: "We are close to finalizing the allocation of at least 70 million euros to help Romanian students benefit from better accommodation and recreation spaces". (Photo source: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

According to the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca: "We are close to finalizing the allocation of at least 70 million euros to help Romanian students benefit from better accommodation and recreation spaces". (Photo source: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Versiunea în limba română

The Ministry of Education announced the completion of the technical and financial evaluation process within two calls for projects financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) aimed at the modernization and development of university infrastructure, with a total of 70,303,568 euros allocated for the modernization of university spaces, respectively the construction of new accommodation spaces. According to the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca: "We are close to finalizing the allocation of at least 70 million euros to help students in Romania benefit from better accommodation and recreation spaces. We aim to offer every student the chance to learn in a safe and welcoming environment, which does not depend on the family's financial situation. The investments focused especially on student dormitories show the importance and our determination to improve this situation as quickly as possible." According to the ministry, the two calls launched provided for the modernization of university infrastructure for a fair academic space, where a total of 27,275,000 euros were allocated, of which 17,285,000 euros for recreation and reading spaces and 9,990,000 euros for dormitories, as well as the construction of university infrastructure for the student campuses of the future, totaling 43,028,568 euros, dedicated to the creation of new accommodation spaces. According to the call documents, applicants for projects admitted to financing can submit appeals within two working days of receiving the evaluation grids through the dedicated IT platform. After completing this stage, the contracting procedure will begin. "In total, through the PNRR, the Ministry of Education benefited from an allocation of 260 million euros for investments necessary to ensure university infrastructure (dormitories, canteens and recreational spaces). A first call has already led to the signing of 42 financing contracts for the construction of 1,087 student accommodation places and for the implementation of modernization works for 9,573 accommodation places," states the cited source. The Ministry of Education recalled that it has additionally carried out other steps, such as: through the Investment Program of the Ministry of Education, annex to the State Budget Law for 2024, 7 new student dormitories are included in the financing, totaling a number of 1,804 accommodation places; through the National Program for Construction of Public or Social Interest - Construction of Student Dormitories, the State Higher Education Institutions Subprogram, managed by the National Investment Company, the construction works of 30 student dormitories of state higher education institutions are financed. They total 10,244 accommodation places for 30 state higher education institutions, from 13 university centers.

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