UPC Starts Massive Rebranding Campaign

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 iunie 2007

UPC Romania has started a massive internal and external rebranding process accompanied by the introduction of new products and services and an improved call center system. The company will also reorganize the invoice mailing system in cooperation with the Romanian Post Company. Forthcoming on-line payment systems will complement the collection system.

UPC Romania CEO Richard Anderson said the company had successfully completed the acquisition and incorporation of Astral. Some 40 million EUR is going to be invested this year in network development, billing system upgrades and human investments. The company is going to open two call centers to improve the customer experience and introduce a single support number.

UPC is planning to offer fixed telephony services to 80% of their cable TV subscribers. A first step will be to double the number of telephony service users from the current 65,000 by the year-end. Plans are to offer triple play (telephony, TV and Internet) to over 1.5 million households. There is also a possibility that quad-play may be offered in future, when mobile telephony may be added.

