URBB Puts 12 Mio EUR In New Granini Flavour

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 februarie 2008

United Romanian Breweries Bereprod (URBB) has invested over 12 million EUR to develop a new Granini flavour, Granini Racoarea Fructelor. The investment is expected to amortize in 7-8 years, according to URBB President Shachar Shaine.

"The investment started a year ago and amounts to over 12 million EUR. This is a still drink that contains no preservatives or colourings," Shaine said. The new line can produce 26,000 bottles per hour. The new flavour will be promoted with a 1 million EUR budget. "We"ve decided to go for a still drink because in Romania the consumption of this kind of drink is 80%, whereas nectar and juice total 20%, whereas in other countries, the ratio is exactly the opposite," said Marketing VP Catalin Ignat.

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