US Investor Puts Tens Of Millions In Romanian Vegetable Farm

English Section / 16 octombrie 2008

Brasov County Prefect Emil Nita met earlier this week with a delegation from Taurus Investment Holdings led by Investments Director Stephan Muller. The guests inquired about the procedure for setting up a vegetable farm in the village of Cata, in Rupea. The farm would measure some 200 hectares. The investors have already bought 25 hectares and are having negotiations for another 25. One of the requests to the prefect was to support them verify the authenticity of the deeds to the land offered for sale. The next step will be to formally merge the various plots into one property. "The investment will eventually total tens of millions of euro and create quite a few jobs for the locals. I believe it"s a terrific opportunity and that"s why I assured the American businesspeople of our full support," Prefect Nita said. Taurus Investment Holdings is an international real estate investment company established in Munich, Germany, in 1976. The company currently operates in the US, Canada, Argentina, Germany and Turkey. Expansion plans include Russia, India and Romania. So far, Taurus has invested some 2 billion USD.

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