Vinexport - Focsani Estimates 50 Mln RON Turnover

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 octombrie 2007

Vinexport SA - Focsani has projected a 20% increase in turnover for this year to 50 million RON, up from 42 million RON in 2006 and up 38% from 2005. Gross profit increased to 707,000 RON, up ten-fold from 2005. A leading winemaker in Romania, Vinexport has recently introduced two new brands, "Codul lui Merlot" and "Visul unei nopti cu Feteasca Regala." The company is also known for Feteasca Regala, Babeasca Neagra, Sauvignon Blanc, Galbena de Odobesti, Feteasca Neagra, Muscat Ottonel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Italian Riesling, grown in the vineyards of Cotesti, Odobesti, Nicoresti and Dealurile Vrances.
