We are replacing the governing program and the government program, but not Dragnea

. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
English Section / 30 iunie 2017

We are replacing the governing program and the government program, but not Dragnea

Liviu Dragnea "swore", in December 2016, on the electoral program, which then became the governing program and the "Bible of the PSD": he guaranteed, in a TV Show, that he would abide by it or else he would resign.

Liviu Dragnea did not abide by the electoral program.

Liviu Dragnea did not resign, instead he changed the government.

Along with the government, he also replaced the "Bible of the PSD".

The new proposals of the PSD, published on the night prior to the investiture, have overturned the business environment.

All the companies in Romania will pay, starting with January 1st, 2018, a turnover tax instead of the profit tax, which will disappear, according to the new governing program of the PSD-ALDE coalition.

Also, according to the new proposal, the minimum wage level in Romania in the coming years would be 2,000 lei in 2018, 2,200 lei in 2019 and 2,400 lei in 2020, and for those with higher education it would be 2,300 lei in 2018, 2,640 lei in 2019 and 3,000 lei in 2020.

According to the governing program, the solidarity contribution will be introduced starting with January 1st, 2018, as well as an additional tax on consumer products whose consumption has a major negative impact on the health of the population.

Analysts said that the government is blowing up the economy, businesspeople were shocked.

The new ministers swore on the Bible to offer all their power for the material and spiritual progress of the Romanian people.

So help them God!

