We did not receive any request to replace the management of CEC Bank

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 aprilie 2009

Ana Săbiescu

Romania"s Central Bank has not received any request to replace the management of CEC Bank, and in this case this happens, the case will be reviewed according to the regulations in effect, Nicolae Cinteză, head of the Monitoring division of the Central Bank.

Mr. Cinteză said: "The Central Bank does not approve somebody lightly. The person must pass a test with the Central Bank and fulfil several conditions".

Many voices have been debating lately the possible replacement of the management of CEC Bank, namely of Radu Graţian Gheţea with Enache Jiru, chairman of the selection commission for the Proprietatea fund and former chairman of CEC bank during the Năstase government.

Some officials claim that this replacement may go through, while officials in the Ministry of Finance say that they have no plan to replace Mr. Gheţea, whereas Romania"s Central Bank warned that the decision lies with it.

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