Who benefited from the referendum?

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 august 2012

Who benefited from the referendum?

Băsescu didn't lose the Referendum, and USL didn't win it, regardless of the decision of the Constitutional Court.

The judges of the Court have to solve a complex equation, which also includes their personal destiny, after the threatening developments of the USL - the ordinance rendered by the Government to limit the roles and the alliance of the USL and the CNSC of Mircea Dogaru, who openly speaks about dismantling the Constitutional Court.

I can't understand the hierarchy of criteria which they care about:

- justice?;

- political affinity?;

- their own interest?;

- fear?

None of the parties could do the victory dance: the USL protesters, gathered in University Square in the night of the Referendum, lost their enthusiasm, and stopped waving the flag; the supporters of Băsescu, gathered at his campaign headquarters waved the flag for nothing - there were too few of them.

So no one can check anything in the gains column.

On the other hand, in the losses column we will note the following:

1. The leu fell from 0.2215 lei for a Euro, at the moment of the beginning of the campaign, to 0.2195, when it ended (with a minimum of 0.2155, on July 24th);

2. We threw 95.6 million lei down the drain (the cost of organizing the referendum);

3. We entered the "thorny" zone area of the relations with the international financial organisms, as we failed to honor our commitments, not because we have to fight against their unreasonable nature, but because we are simply dealing with something else;

4. We encouraged potential foreign investors to shy away from our country, which, through its political instability destroyed any potential appetite they might have had to invest here;

5. We altered whatever image we had abroad, as well as our self-perception, divided as we have become into two camps which despise each other, in a conflict constantly fueled by the lies of the politicians, their retractions and their immorality.


These are the losses.

Whose losses are they?

Are they Băsescu's?


Are they Antonescu's?


Are they Ponta's?

The man went on holiday to get a tan.

No, the losses are ours.

Should we even mention that we weren't even able to enjoy the victories of the Romanian athletes in the Olympics.

Our young athletes fought to raise the Romanian flag at the Olympics.

In full domestic political competition, what did we do?

A silver medal winner in the Olympics was ripped into by Ciutacu and Mircea Badea of Antena 3, because she didn't vote in the referendum.

You'd have to be an idiot not to notice that the silver medal winner raised the Romanian flag for all of us at the Olympics, whether we are supporters of Băsescu or not.

She was disrespected.

A loss which is perhaps the most important of all.

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