World Bank: Offshore wind projects in Romania will create tens of thousands of jobs

George Marinescu
English Section / 30 septembrie 2024

World Bank: Offshore wind projects in Romania will create tens of thousands of jobs

Versiunea în limba română

The implementation of offshore wind projects in our country will have a positive impact on the labor market, they will employ between 21,000 and 77,000 employees depending on the application of the scenarios contained in the "Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania" study carried out by the World Bank and presented on Friday by Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy. The launch of the "Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania" study marks an important step towards the development of a new pillar of renewable energy in Romania, with the potential to transform the country into a regional leader in this sector. With investments of up to 19 billion euros, the creation of thousands of jobs and the strengthening of energy security, offshore wind energy can become an engine of economic growth for Romania, contributing to the European energy transition and combating climate change.

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, emphasized the strategic importance of offshore wind energy for our country, considering that this is "a unique chance for the development of Romania, which we cannot afford to miss".

According to the study prepared by the World Bank, the Black Sea has a total wind energy potential of 76 Gigawatts (GW), divided between 22 GW on fixed platforms and 54 GW on floating platforms. In addition, the natural conditions are favorable: the wind speed in the targeted area is between 7.5 and 8 m/s, which makes it ideal for the development of large-scale wind projects. From the data presented by the Minister of Energy, we note that by 2035 projects worth 19 billion euros will be implemented in the Black Sea, which will mean a capacity of 7 GW for the national energy system and a maximum of 77,000 new jobs.

The study was carried out in the last two years by World Bank experts, with the support of the European Commission, through the Directorate General for Structural Reform (DG Reform), which offered non-refundable funds for its financing. In addition, Romania benefits from the support of the World Bank and the US State Department in the continuation of this endeavor. According to Minister Burduja, next year will be crucial for the completion of studies on the optimal locations for future offshore wind power plants. This stage will allow the identification of the best technical and economic solutions for the efficient exploitation of the wind potential in the Black Sea.

Two scenarios proposed by the World Bank for offshore wind in the Black Sea

The study proposes two development scenarios until 2035, each with a significant impact on the Romanian economy and the national energy system:

1. The low-growth scenario envisages the installation of 150 wind turbines through five projects, with a total installed capacity of 3 GW, which would cover approximately 16% of the country's energy needs. The total value of investments in this scenario is estimated at 9 billion euros, with a considerable economic impact: the creation of approximately 21,000 jobs and a local content of 28%.

2. The intensive growth scenario proposes a more ambitious approach, with the installation of 360 turbines across seven projects, resulting in an installed capacity of 7 GW, enough to cover 37% of energy needs. Investments would reach approximately 19 billion euros and the impact on the labor market would be significant, with the creation of 77,000 jobs and a local content of 38%.

These two scenarios are intended to increase Romania's energy security and contribute significantly to the European energy transition and to strengthening our country's position as a regional hub for renewable energy.

Minister Sebastian Burduja said: "Through this Roadmap, the Ministry of Energy reaffirms its commitment to develop the necessary infrastructure for the integration of energy from offshore sources, collaborating with international partners and the states of the Black Sea region to create a robust and competitive supply chain. Efforts will also be intensified for the use of Romanian ports in the production and construction of equipment needed for offshore wind power plants. Thus, Romania's position as a regional center in the field of renewable energy will be strengthened".

According to the Minister of Energy, the implementation of projects in the offshore wind farm sector has a significant multiplying impact on the local economy. The responsible minister concluded by saying that, with the adoption of the offshore wind energy law, Romania became the first country in the Black Sea region with a clear legal framework for investors, a competitive advantage that must be exploited to attract major investments and -strengthen its role as a regional energy leader.
