Xerox Romania Opens Scanning & Archiving Center In Pipera

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 octombrie 2007

Xerox Romania has opened a new scanning & archiving center with a processing capacity of 2 million pages per month. Located in Pipera, the center spearheads new technologies that reduce the human factor and ensure operational efficiency between 95 and 100%, depending on the quality and form of the documents. According to Xerox Global Services Manager Razvan Botezatu, the center is undergoing a process to become ISO-certified by early 2008.

The company has allocated an overall 500,000 USD to this center, of which over 15% to equipment and security. The staff is set to grow from the existing 20 to about 100 next year. The main advantage of such center is the up-to-10x productivity increase given by automation as compared to manual processing. Xerox has been present in Romania for over 35 years.

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