Zentiva Aims For 30% Of Anti-Obesity Market

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 octombrie 2007

Pharmaceutical company Zentiva landed over 400,000 EUR from the sale of anti-obesity drug Lindaxa between March and August, reaching a 16% market share at the end of the period. "Our target for 2008 is 30% in market share for anti-obesity drugs, equal to sales of some 4 million RON," said Cosmin Boie MD., Business Unit Manager, Zentiva.

"This target can be achieved considering that we are planning an information campaign for 2008 in order to increase the number of patients who are correctly treated from 8,000 in 2007 to approximately 20,000 in 2008," he added. Romania has some 4 million obese patients who are not receiving correct treatment and that accounts for some 37% of the adult population. Lindaxa can help reduce body weight by 5-10% and maintain it.

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