12 million invested in the Radiocom

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 decembrie 2008

Radiocom - Romanian supplier of networks and electronic telecommunication services and market leader in the broadcasting sector, has invested 12 million euros in three headquarters, Radiocom"s general manager, Mircea Cazan stated. "This investment represents Radiocom"s main administration and technology center of the Bucharest branch which spans 10.000 square meters. Also, the investment includes the 140 meter high tower plus all the latest generation equipment", Cazan added, as quoted by Agerpres.

The funds earmarked for Radiocom"s new headquarters were obtained from bank loans. According to the quoted source, the finalization of this investment project allowed Radiocom to become independent of Romtelecom"s technical and transmission locations, thus saving big by operating in its own stations and no longer paying leases worth tens of thousands of euros. For 2008, the company estimates 307 million lei in turnover and an operating profit of 15 million lei.

The company"s general manager stated that, because of the loans that the company took out and to the foreign exchange variations, the company will register a loss in 2008.

Currently, Radiocom has just finished an extensive program which has been ongoing since 2001, meant to increase its efficiency, and which includes several projects, such as launching the digital broadcasting of radio programs and which ensures the supplying of value added services (pictures, traffic information, emergency calls).

From 2001 until now, this program involved a 300 million investment. "The amount was obtained from loans, with some 180 million dollars being backed by the government", Cazan said.

Radiocom must reimburse these loans in 2019. The program has also included the updating of the short-wave emitters, which has allowed people all across the globe to listen to radio broadcasts of exceptional quality, the introduction of digital cable TV in Romania, through two pilot-projects which allow receiving TV channels in digital format in Bucharest and across some of the Transylvania region.

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